CH Izzie does everything!

blog izzie breakaway

When I think of CH JTH Izzie, a two-year-old pointer female owned by Jeff Hintz, I’m reminded of the Enjoli perfume ad from 1980. Hopefully many readers are old enough to remember this evocative television ad with the catchy song. The woman who wears Enjoli can do everything. She can “bring home the bacon…fry it up in the pan.”

Izzie, too, can do everything but it’s due to a combination of inherited potential and Jeff’’s development, exposure and training.

blog izzie gambel

In Minnesota and Wisconsin, Izzie has hunted woodcock and ruffed grouse in the woods and sharp-tailed grouse on the sand barrens. She has hunted three quail species of the desert southwest:  Mearns, Gambels and scaled.

Izzie has placed in field trials on all those birds and in all those locations and she doesn’t seem to care whether Jeff is on foot or horseback.

Izzie is “dead broke… a strong marker…and retrieves to hand,” says Jeff.

blog izzie swim az

Izzie swims. She rides shotgun in Jeff’s golf cart. And she loves to watch tv.

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Oh, and did I mention that Izzie won a championship at the Region 12 Amateur Walking Shooting Dog trial when she was 20 months old?

Izzie was the last pick of an all-female litter out of CH Westfall’s Black Ice x Northwoods Prancer in 2011. Just like Izzie, Ice was evenly marked, black-and-white, compact, strong and talented. He was a 6X CH/7X RU-CH owned by Bill Westfall out of Missouri and campaigned off horseback. Prancer is a big, powerful female and beautiful with classic Elhew looks. We don’t compete her in field trials but save her for our guiding string where she is first-rate.

Here is Izzie’s impressive list of accomplishments…at just two years of age!
•    Champion, Region 12 Amateur Walking Shooting Dog, January 2013
•    Minnesota/Wisconsin Derby of the Year, 2013
•    Minnesota/Wisconsin Amateur Derby of the Year, 2013
•    Region 12 Walking Shooting Dog of the Year, 2013
•    1st Place, Moose River Grouse Dog Club Open Derby, Wisconsin, 2012
•    1st Place, Danforth Social Society & Fine Bird Dogs Open Derby, Minnesota, 2012
•    2nd Place, Region 19 All Age Derby, Wisconsin, 2012
•    2nd Place, Reuel Henry Pietz Derby Classic, Minnesota, 2012
•    2nd Place, High Country Bird Dog Club Amateur Derby, Arizona, 2013
•    3rd Place, Arizona Pointing Dog Club Open Derby, Arizona, 2013


    Northwoods Birds Dogs    53370 Duxbury Road, Sandstone, Minnesota 55072
    Jerry: 651-492-7312     |      Betsy: 651-769-3159     |           |      Directions
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