Gallery: September 2024

Beginning with their first dog in the late 1990s, Barry and Jill Frieler have owned six setters out of our dogs. On a recent afternoon in their Minnesota home, the current pack found a sunny spot for napping. Clockwise from top: Northwoods Highclass Kate (Northwoods Blue Ox x Houston’s Belle’s Choice, 2010), Madison (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2018), Ellie (CH Ponderosa Mac x Northwoods Redbreast, 2022) and Jack (CH Houston’s Blackjack x Northwoods Highclass Kate, 2013).

When Sig (Northwoods Rob Roy x Northwoods Minerva, 2019) isn’t in the grouse woods or in wide open Montana places, he accompanies his owner Chris Bye of Wisconsin on trout streams.

Lacey (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Minerva, 2020) flies across an open field on Nantucket where owner Zenas Hutcheson conditions her for the hunting season in their home state of Minnesota.

There are good reasons Northwoods Comet (HOF CH Rock Acre Blackhawk x Northwoods Vixen, 2018), a female pointer Jerry and I own, is one of our best of all time. On a recent training run for sharptails, in addition to her breathtaking poise, style and composure, her blazing eyes tell the story.

Gallery: Bird dog testimonials

Tork (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023)

“He’s a dream come true for me.”
~ Nik Zewers, Minnesota


Northwoods Louie (CH Erin’s Hidden Shamrock x Northwoods Nickel, 2018), on left, and Junie (CH True Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2021)

“These two dogs are my greatest joy.”
~ Joey Paxman, Montana



Paco (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023)

“He’s the smartest dog I have ever had.”
~ Josh Matel, Minnesota

Gallery: Bird dogs from the 2023 season and their birds

Sig (Northwoods Rob Roy x Northwoods Minerva, 2019), on left, and Rob Roy (Northwoods Blue Ox x Northwoods Chablis, 2012)
~ Chris Bye, Wisconsin

For a business idea that originated in the grouse woods of the Lake States, dogs out of our breeding now live and hunt wherever there are wild birds.

This selection of photos from clients shows dogs pursuing not only ruffed grouse (including one extremely steady setter) but Hungarian partridge and ring-necked pheasants. Correspondence from other clients mentions chukars, prairie chickens, woodcock, blue grouse, sage grouse, sharp-tailed grouse and California, Gambel’s, Mearns and bobwhite quail.

Junie (CH True Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2021)
~ Joey Paxman and Amanda Allpress, Montana

Pearl (CH Elhew G Force x Northwoods Vixen, 2016), on right, and her shorthair partner
~ Caleb Johansson Family, Minnesota

Fitz (RU-CH Erin’s Prometheus x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2019)
~ Ted Sommer Family, Wisconsin

Gallery: A tribute to older dogs…and younger ones

Alzada (CH Ridge Creek Cody x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2013), age 10 years
“Thanks for sharing a dog of a lifetime.”
~ Tom Condon, Montana


Northwoods Carly Simon (Blue Shaquille x Houston’s Belle’s Choice, 2011), age 12 years
“More than a minor celebrity, many have traveled to the hunt camp just to hunt with Carly Simon and spend time with her on ‘her’ couch.”
~ Chris Bye and Jessica Kramer, Wisconsin


Northwoods Rudolph (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023), age 6 months, on left, and his grand-dam Northwoods Vixen (CH Westfall’s Black Ice x Northwoods Prancer, 2011), age 12 years
“Young and a little goofy vs. old and wise. A fun brace!”
~ Both owned by Northwoods Bird Dogs


Maisy (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Houston’s Nelly Bly, 2023), age 6 months
“The star of last week was Maisy. She handled well, made beautiful casts, and pointed a grouse!”
~ Zenas Hutcheson, Minnesota


Caddie (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023), age 6 months
“This last week, Caddie has really turned it on. Her first woodcock!”
~ Brian Smith, Pennsylvania


Gallery: RU-CH Northwoods Atlas

RU-CH Northwoods Atlas (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2017)

As the sun rises on a recent morning, Atlas points with style and confidence on a covey of sharp-tailed grouse. He is on a training run before the fall field trial season begins. Atlas is owned and handled by Greg Johnson of Wisconsin.

A fine morning with a setter puppy on a Florida quail plantation

Northwoods Madison (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2018) and Jerry. Photo by Ben McKean.

At the age of one, Northwoods Madison (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2018) is precocious—and not only in desire and focus but in stamina. From the moment she’s released at the breakaway, Madison has one thing on her mind. Birds. During this morning’s session, she finds and points four coveys.

Madison is owned by Barry Frieler of Minnesota.

Northwoods Birds Dogs    53370 Duxbury Road, Sandstone, Minnesota 55072
Jerry: 651-492-7312     |      Betsy: 651-769-3159     |           |      Directions
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