Northwoods Brie on tv!

Scott Berry and his wife Lynn bought two-year-old Northwoods Brie (Northwoods Blue Ox x Houston’s Belle’s Choice female) last year. Scott is an avid bird hunter and grouse guide for Ides Guides in Park Falls, Wisconsin, where Brie is used on guided hunts. Too, judging by the photos they’ve emailed, Brie has become a pampered family pet.

Scott recently sent a link to a television news story that appeared on WQOW out of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Brie is on point over a woodcock in the opening scene.

The piece is well done and very interesting. It features Gary Zimmer, Coordinating Biologist of the Ruffed Grouse Society, and Terry Ides, who along with his wife JoAnne, are participants in a grouse and woodcock habitat improvement project. The multi-year plan is part of Wisconsin Coverts Projects.

There is also cool information about woodcock and beautiful footage of a grouse in flight.

Here is the link to the video: Time to Regenerate

Jerry featured on the radio

On Saturday, September 22, at 7:35 a.m., Jerry was interviewed by Bob St. Pierre and Billy Hildebrand from KFAN radio out of the Twin Cities. Bob and Billy are two of the three hosts of FAN Outdoors, a radio show dedicated to the outdoors.

The topic was grouse dogs and grouse hunting.

KFAN is at 100.3 FM. Unfortunately, the podcast is no longer available.

Houston’s Belle and her owner, Paul Hauge

Dennis Anderson, outdoor columnist for the StarTribune of the Twin Cities, recently wrote a piece, “Dog Gone.”

Four tales of hunting companions that were cherished and lost reveal a lingering truth—the love that binds best friends never ends.

~ Dennis Anderson

The vignettes are recounted in first person. Normally, articles like this are difficult to read but these stories are uplifting. They are tributes to great dogs.

Paul Hauge and his outstanding female English setter, Houston’s Belle, were featured. Paul’s opening words are so true. Jerry and I laughed out loud when we read them.

I own a log of dogs. It’s sort of an addiction. Every year I tell my wife I’ll cut back. But I don’t.

~Paul Hauge

Anyone familiar with the bloodlines of our English setters knows about Belle. She is the source of all our English setter dams—whether as daughters or granddaughters.

Chris Mathan visits Northwoods Bird Dogs

Chris Mathan, a friend and owner of The Sportsman’s Cabinet, visited while she in Minnesota recently. We have known and worked with Chris for many years. She is a marketing specialist geared toward the outdoors and developed the brand and website for both Northwoods Bird Dogs and Dazzle Gardens, my horticulture business.

In addition, Chris is an excellent photographer and has provided us exquisite photographs of dogs, training sessions, flowers and landscapes. She has an extraordinary sense of style and a keen artistic eye. She perfectly captures her subjects and her photos are, literally, breathtaking.

Chris and I also collaborated on a 2010 calendar project, Why We Love Flowers.

We feel fortunate that Chris brought her camera and took time to photograph some of our dogs. Luckily also, the pasture was in full bloom when Chris photographed Roquefort and Parmigiano, 9-week-old littermates out of Northwoods Blue Ox and Houston’s Belle’s Choice.

Check out more of Chris’ photography—including shots of Bird Dogs, Field Trials, Upland Hunting and garden photos—and her other work at

NBD featured in Star Tribune Outdoors section

Northwoods Bird Dogs was featured in the Outdoors Section of today’s Twin Cities-based Star Tribune in a story written by Dennis Anderson called, “Building a Better Grouse Dog.”  Dennis visited our kennel late last week and spent several hours working out in the field with me, photographing different situations and talking to Betsy and me.  He did an excellent job capturing the nuances of training pointing dogs that are specific to grouse, the “King of the forest.”  Here is the link to the story:

Northwoods Birds Dogs    53370 Duxbury Road, Sandstone, Minnesota 55072
Jerry: 651-492-7312     |      Betsy: 651-769-3159     |           |      Directions
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