A quintessential day on a guided grouse hunt
A guided hunt.
Don’t the words evoke images of camaraderie, hospitality, gorgeous locales and excellent hunting? Whether for pheasants in South Dakota, ducks on Delta Marsh or doves in Argentina, a guided hunt sounds at once fanciful and wonderful.
Anyone can indulge. The back pages of sporting magazines are full of opportunities. Jerry and I recommend the experience highly as we’ve been fortunate to be part of a grouse guiding operation for almost 20 years.
Jerry guides for Bill and Gail Heig, owners of Bowen Lodge on Lake Winnibigoshish, northwest of Grand Rapids, Minnesota. Come September, some good fishing remains on the big lake but the family resort side of their business wanes when school begins. All of which makes room for a limited number of guided grouse hunts.
Over the years, the hunters and other guides have become friends and clients. It’s nice to see the same faces each fall but it’s also gratifying to see again all the dogs—whether dogs we trained or puppies purchased from us that have matured into good bird dogs and favorite companions.
Ruffed grouse and woodcock hunting, bird dogs, fine shotguns, great food, and great friendships. These words pretty well sum up the month of October at Bowen Lodge.
~ Bill Heig

Before the morning hunt, Northwoods Chardonnay waits patiently while Jerry puts on her bell and tracking collar.

Every guiding day includes a break about mid day. Chairs are unfolded and a cooler full of water and soft drinks is opened. In addition, big, tasty sandwiches, plenty of side dishes and homemade treats are unpacked from the picnic basket.

When hunters stop for lunch, dogs get a rest, too. Jim waters Sam while Roxie, Casey and Morris relax.

Ken and Northwoods Prancer pose with a perfectly retrieved woodcock after a beautiful afternoon in the woods.

A favorite part of the day is cocktail hour when hunters and guides gather in front of the fire at Bowen Lodge.

In the lodge, a setter naps in the shadow of a bronze grouse sculpture after another fabulous day in the woods.
Many of the photographs were taken by Ken Taylor. Thank you!