Flying McCoys: dogs and bacon treats
“I don’t get it. They’re the smartest creatures on earth, and yet every day he has to ask me if I want a bacon treat.”
© 2021 Glenn and Gary McCoy/Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication
“I don’t get it. They’re the smartest creatures on earth, and yet every day he has to ask me if I want a bacon treat.”
© 2021 Glenn and Gary McCoy/Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication
The geography in Hun country can be as picturesque as it is steep. Northwoods Comet (CH Rock Acre Blackhawk x Northwoods Vixen, 2018) beat Northwoods Gucci (CH Erin’s Hidden Shamrock x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2015), on left, and Northwoods Jane Eyre (Northwoods Louis Vuitton x Houston’s Dancing Queen, 2022) to the find at the top.
Even though Northwoods Bird Dogs was conceived decades ago in the grouse woods of the Great Lakes states, Jerry and I have also trained and hunted our dogs in the open prairies of places far to our west. That we now have clients spread across the country is a testament that our dogs do equally well in either terrain.
Just to be sure, though, Jerry loaded up the dog box and dog trailer with as many dogs as would fit—from seasoned adults and young dogs to puppies—and spent virtually the entire month of September in western North Dakota and Montana. The objective was coveys of Hungarian partridge and sharp-tailed grouse.
Here are highlights of his trip.
In a lovely, undulating valley, Northwoods Rolls Royce (Blue Shaquille x Houston’s Belle’s Choice, 2013) points a big covey of Huns.
What a fine training moment for three young setters on a Hungarian partridge covey. Northwoods Charlotte Bronte (Northwoods Louis Vuitton x Houston’s Dancing Queen, 2022) is credited with the find while Northwoods Snow Swept (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Northwoods Valencia, 2023), on right, is next to the find, followed by Northwoods Snow Boots (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Northwoods Stardust, 2023).
Northwoods Stardust (RU-CH Erin’s Prometheus x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2019) inherited that high-headed pointing style from her dam.
“I wanted to better understand mechanics, timing and how to effectively use tools like releasers and launchers…That’s stuff you can read about or watch as many videos as you want, but won’t truly understand until you see, feel, and do.”
~ Jeremy Moore
Northwoods Bird Dogs—both our dogs and Jerry’s training style and technique—were featured in the November 2023 issue of Gun Dog magazine. Jeremy Moore of Pulaski, Wisc., is a columnist for the magazine and even though he has been to our kennel several times, those are the reasons he visited last summer.
We’ve known Jeremy since the summer of 2020 when he first visited us. He subsequently reserved a female setter puppy and in early 2022, he picked up Maquina (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon and Houston’s Nelly Bly).
Jeremy nails what, I think, makes Jerry the trainer he is. Jeremy comments on Jerry’s confidence and calmness and how well he reads a dog.
In the end, though, Jeremy writes: “Jerry has given me the confidence to ‘do it’ rather just ‘think about it.’”
Elsewhere in the issue, editor Kali Parmley described a “milestone” hunt with Jones, the young setter male she bought from us 2020. Jones (Northwoods Grits x Houston’s Nelly Bly) is her first bird dog and in previous Editor’s Letters, Kali has shared some of the issues of raising and training a pointing dog. This piece was different.
“The image of my soaking wet setter locked on point with a wave of fog blanketing the mountains behind him is an image that will forever be ingrained in my memory. He was beautiful. These are the reasons we hunt and the milestones we dream of for our bird dogs.”