Gallery: A tribute to older dogs…and younger ones

Alzada (CH Ridge Creek Cody x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2013), age 10 years
“Thanks for sharing a dog of a lifetime.”
~ Tom Condon, Montana

Northwoods Carly Simon (Blue Shaquille x Houston’s Belle’s Choice, 2011), age 12 years
“More than a minor celebrity, many have traveled to the hunt camp just to hunt with Carly Simon and spend time with her on ‘her’ couch.”
~ Chris Bye and Jessica Kramer, Wisconsin

Northwoods Rudolph (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023), age 6 months, on left, and his grand-dam Northwoods Vixen (CH Westfall’s Black Ice x Northwoods Prancer, 2011), age 12 years
“Young and a little goofy vs. old and wise. A fun brace!”
~ Both owned by Northwoods Bird Dogs

Maisy (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Houston’s Nelly Bly, 2023), age 6 months
“The star of last week was Maisy. She handled well, made beautiful casts, and pointed a grouse!”
~ Zenas Hutcheson, Minnesota

Caddie (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023), age 6 months
“This last week, Caddie has really turned it on. Her first woodcock!”
~ Brian Smith, Pennsylvania