Northwoods Bird Dogs featured in Gun Dog magazine

The photo of the serious yellow Labrador puppy on the cover of the current issue of Gun Dog magazine is just one reason to buy it. That it’s the annual puppy issue is another. Too, the perfect-bound redesign is beautiful, including the larger format and matt finish on the cover. Finally, amazingly, Northwoods Bird Dogs is well represented.

• page 60: Super Puppies by Brad Fitzpatrick
• page 84: Building a Bird Dog by Tom Keer (This piece includes many of our photos, including an awful one of me. Thankfully, the sleeping puppies are adorable.)
• page 94: The Journey by Kali Parmley

Last summer, Jerry and I met Kali, Editor in Chief of Gun Dog, when she drove from her home in Utah to our Minnesota kennel to pick up her eight-week-old setter puppy out of Houston’s Nelly Bly by Northwoods Grits. She hauled a very cool camping trailer and brought her Labrador retriever, Lincoln, too. She wrote an excellent piece about her decision and ensuing journey to add a pointing dog to her hunting string.

Other pieces deserve mention.

Chad Hines of Willow Creek Kennels in Little Falls, Minn., is quoted in Debunking Puppy Development Myths by Tony J. Peterson. Chad and his wife, Tracy, bought two setter puppies from us recently. The first was a male out of CH Erin’s Hidden Shamrock x Northwoods Nickel in 2018 and, just one year later, they added a female out of Northwoods Rob Roy x Northwoods Minerva.

Jeremy Moore from Pulaski, Wisc., is a columnist who writes in every issue. Even though he’s a passionate Labrador guy, he’s intrigued by pointing dogs and has a deposit with us for a female setter puppy.

Northwoods Birds Dogs    53370 Duxbury Road, Sandstone, Minnesota 55072
Jerry: 651-492-7312     |      Betsy: 651-769-3159     |           |      Directions
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