What a bird dog named Hartley has given a man named Nick

Northwoods Hartley (Northwoods Grits x Houston’s Belle’s Choice,, 2014), owned by Nick Larson.

“Owning my first bird dog forever changed the pursuit of upland birds for me. Hartley has inspired me to become a better hunter, a better shooter and a better dog trainer.”
~ Nick Larson, Project Upland

I recently read a wonderful magazine piece written by a client of ours, Nick Larson. He brought a unique perspective to owning a bird dog.

Jerry and I first met Nick Larson in the fall of 2013. He and his wife, Lacey MacLean, were living in the Twin Cities but had plans to move to Duluth, Minn. Even though Nick had never owned a bird dog, we thought he would be a perfect fit for one of our dogs. He was a passionate hunter and enthusiastic to learn. The couple was sharp, friendly, warm and clearly loved dogs.

Nick and Lacey gave us a deposit and about 10 months later, they picked up their eight-week-old puppy, a tri-color male setter out of Northwoods Grits x Houston’s Belle’s Choice. They named him Hartley after the Duluth city park near their new home.

Nick’s article, along with several stunning photos of Hartley, appears in the Fall 2019 issue of Project Upland, a new magazine which is part of a wider offering including podcast, film, newsletter and more. (projectupland.com).

Here are excerpts.

“When you have a bird dog and you love watching him or her work, the possibilities of exploring new covers, encountering new birds and making new friends are all exciting. Without the dog in my life, I’d likely still be walking the same old two-tracks chasing the same old birds in the same old covers. Instead, my eyes have opened and my breadth of experience broadened, thanks to my four-legged friend.”

“…the drive to go deeper and deeper while taking the passion further than I ever thought possible has resulted in countless connections while opening some very unique doors along the way.”

“My evolution as an upland bird hunter has been a direct result of Hartley’s development into an experienced bird dog. From the guns and gear to my own knowledge and skillset, everything looks different today than it did before Hartley, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.”

“Hartley has changed my hunting, my family and my life forever.”

Northwoods Birds Dogs    53370 Duxbury Road, Sandstone, Minnesota 55072
Jerry: 651-492-7312     |      Betsy: 651-769-3159     |           |      Directions
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