“There’s no such thing as a good dog, only a good dog owner.”

Flint (Northwoods Blue Ox x Northwoods Chablis, 2015) is owned by Ben Kurtz of Colorado. They are the epitome of Wes Siler’s “good dog” and “good dog owner.”
Minnesota neighbor and good friend Jeff Hintz frequently emails links to various dog-related pieces he’s discovered on the Internet. Some are strictly about bird dogs; others concern canine medical issues such as a recent in-depth article about Lyme’s disease. He also sends comics which are good for anything from a smile to a guffaw.
Not too long ago, Jeff shared a post that Jerry and I thought worthy of passing on. “There’s No Such Thing as a Good Dog,” subtitled “Only a good dog owner,” was written by Wes Siler and first published on April 25, 2017, in Outside magazine. We think the message is excellent for both new puppy buyers and seasoned dog owners. https://getpocket.com/explore/item/there-s-no-such-thing-as-a-good-dog
On socialization: “A big reason Wiley is calm around other dogs, kids, loud motorcycles, gunfire, parties, and you name it is because I put a lot of effort into exposing him to those things during the critical first few weeks after he came home. And because I continue to allow him to explore those circumstances on his own terms.”

Ben exposed Flint to all sorts of situations, including loud airplanes, different people and new places.
In addition to the socialization his dog receives, Siler believes a good dog should be “well-trained” and “exhausted.” It’s also clear that he loves his dog with “unwavering devotion.” He notes: “Wiley is as important a part of my life as my job, family, or friends.”
While Jerry and I agree with Siler on almost everything, there is one contentious issue. In a concluding paragraph, Siley writes: “What makes him a good dog in people’s minds isn’t the product of some genetic lottery—it’s not luck.”
After being around hundreds of dogs in all kinds of different situations, we know that genetics do matter. If nothing else, good breeding makes everything about owning a dog easier.
Photos above of Flint (Northwoods Blue Ox x Northwoods Chablis, 2015), owned by Ben Kurtz of Colorado. Ben and Flint clearly epitomize Siler’s themes through exposure, training and exercise whether hunting, camping, fishing or traveling.