Project Upland: Jerry interviewed by Nick Larson for podcast

Nick Larson could hardly wait to get his puppy Hartley (Northwoods Grits x Houston’s Belle’s Choice, 2014) into the woods to check out early season grouse.
Jerry was recently featured on a podcast produced by Project Upland. Nick Larson, creator of this podcast, interviewed Jerry about training and hunting with bird dogs, as well as Jerry’s background and Northwoods Bird Dogs. (
Project Upland ( is a website and initiative dedicated to “the cultures and traditions of upland bird hunting” across the country. There are things to watch, listen to and read—and even stuff to buy.
We’ve known Nick for several years. He and his wife Lacey bought a male setter puppy out of Northwoods Grits x Houston’s Belle’s Choice from us in 2014. We’ve bumped into him occasionally since then and stayed in touch. Even though Nick has a real job, he is a passionate hunter, dog owner and outdoorsman and gives back generously to the sport.