Too much exercise?

With ears flying, Northwoods Vixen (CH Westfall's Black Ice x Northwoods Prancer, 2011) shows plenty of speed. Photo by Chris Mathan.

Photo by Chris Mathan

Is there such a thing as too much exercise for a young dog?

Jerry and I think, yes, there is. So does Turid Rugass, Norwegian dog trainer and behaviorist.

“It’s a common misconception that energetic dogs need a lot of activities and exercise, but in general the rule is that too much physical training and activities doesn’t use up excess energy, but creates more of it, leading to stress.”

In addition, the more exercise a dog gets, the more it needs. When the excessive activity level begins at a young age, the pattern can carry into adulthood and the result can be a stressed-out, high-strung, wound-up dog.

That stress can manifest itself in a couple ways in dogs. Some can’t maintain a healthy weight despite the proper amount of food.  Poor digestion can lead to intermittent bowel problems.

We allow groups of puppies to spend half of each day in the exercise pens. They sleep as much as they play. Both rest and exertion are necessary for good health, mental stability and physical development.

Fenced-in back yards and invisible electric fences are wonderful options for dog owners. It’s easy to simply open the door and let a dog out. But it’s not healthy to allow it to free run all day.

As with most things in life—whether for people or for dogs—balance is essential.

Northwoods Birds Dogs    53370 Duxbury Road, Sandstone, Minnesota 55072
Jerry: 651-492-7312     |      Betsy: 651-769-3159     |           |      Directions
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