Strideaway podcast on the importance of females in a breeding program

2X CH/4X RU-CH Houston's Belle (2001 - 2011). Photo by Chris Mathan.

2X CH/4X RU-CH Houston’s Belle (2001 – 2011). Photo by Chris Mathan.

In October 2011 Jerry was interviewed by Chris Mathan of The Sportsman’s Cabinet and Strideaway. It’s a really good interview on the importance of females in a breeding program.

Chris asks, “What is the most important part of a breeding program?” and Jerry answers, “The female is the key.” For our English setter line, he says that Houston’s Belle and Blue Streak were the foundation dams. Both Belle and Streak were multiple grouse champions but “daughters of champions were better producers” for us. Belle produced Houston’s Belle’s Choice and Blue Silk is out of Streak.

Chris recently re-posted it on Strideaway. The values remain vital and it’s definitely worth a listen.

(Too, if you want a good laugh, you have to check out Jerry’s hat. Why did we ever think that goofy, seed-corn style was attractive?)

Northwoods Birds Dogs    53370 Duxbury Road, Sandstone, Minnesota 55072
Jerry: 651-492-7312     |      Betsy: 651-769-3159     |           |      Directions
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