Just in time for the holidays—a grouse hunter’s book

Jerry and his first English setter Charlie (Spring Garden Tollway, 1986 – 2001) hunt in the north woods of Minnesota. Photo by Dale C. Spartas.
Need a present for a grouse hunter? That hard-to-buy-for guy? The has-everything-he-wants husband?
Doug Smith has an idea.
In the December 18 edition of the Minneapolis-based Star Tribune, Doug reviewed a new book, “A Passion for Grouse—The Lore and Legend of American’s Premier Game Bird,” by Tom Pero. It sounds perfect.
According to Doug: “It’s filled with stories and essays from numerous authors and experts on grouse biology, dogs, guns, hunting strategies and tactics, as well as some classic pieces by legendary authors long gone, including Gordon MacQuarrie. The book also is jammed with spectacular color photos, and even includes grouse recipes.”
The book is big (8½ x 11 inches), long (550 pages) and expensive ($100).
Even though I can’t vouch for the book’s content, I do like one of the photographs Pero includes. It’s a favorite of mine—a Dale C. Spartas shot of Jerry and his first setter Spring Garden Tollway (aka Charlie, 1986 – 2001) taken sometime in the mid 1990s.
Jerry’s copy will be under the tree next week. Go to wildriverpress.com or call 425-486-3638.