2X CH/2X RU-CH I’m Blue Gert
Gert is a cool dog. She has a snow-white body, just lightly ticked, and her 40-lb., strongly muscled conformation seems perfect for a grouse dog. The deep orange on her handsome, blocky head nicely sets off a dark nose and eyes.
Gert is owned by Rochel and Dave Moore, who live on a nice spread outside Big Lake, Minnesota. Ever since their marriage in 2002, they have owned bird dogs—setters and pointers both. They train, condition and work their dogs together and share chares, too. Even though Rochel and Dave are hunters, they especially train for field trial competition. They enjoy putting their dogs up against the best in the country. “I like to watch my dog but especially I like to watch my dog win,” Rochel said.
The last pick.
Gert was whelped in 2006 out of Paul Hauge’s talented I’m Houston’s Image (Houston x I’m Jet Setter) and our own Blue Silk (CH First Rate x CH Blue Streak). Even though Dave and Rochel were on the list early, they didn’t care which puppy they got. “I’ll take the last one,” Dave said.
Gert’s name.
I’m Blue Gert is a cool name. Each word has special meaning. I’m is in honor of her sire’s impressive pedigree which goes back to Paul’s favorite setter, Houston. Gert’s dam’s side is formidable, too, for both of Blue Silk’s parents were multiple champions. Gert is short for Gertrude, the daughter of friends of Moore’s. Dave said, “Gertrude was rock-star good-looking and if we’d had a daughter, I’d want her to look like that.”
Dirty Gert.
Most dogs have several nick-names—some are endearing, others playful. Gert earned her name of Dirty Gert many years ago. “By about 40 minutes into training sessions, Gert usually ends up dirty,” Dave said, whether by rolling in something dark and stinky or by pushing hard through heavy cover.
Gert as a house dog.
Even though Gert lives in Moore’s kennel with pals Slew and Elle and her son Zack, whenever she gets in the house, she makes a beeline for the master bedroom. According to Dave, “She lies down on our bed and won’t get up.”
Gert in the field.
Rochel deserves credit for Gert’s debut as a field trial competitor. She handled Gert to a placement in a puppy stake at a 2007 spring trial held by the Minnesota Grouse Dog Association. That was the only time Rochel handled a dog in a trial, preferring instead to scout, but it was exactly the start Gert needed.
While Gert has been worked to bring out her best, sometimes it’s the things that can’t be trained that become paramount; other characteristics can catch the hearts and minds of judges. What sets Gert apart? “Gert has zero quit. She’s always searching for a bird. There’s just no quit,” Dave said.

After the 2013 North Country Walking Shooting Dog Championship, Rochel Moore poses RU-CH I’m Blue Gert (on right) and Dave Moore holds the plaque. Scott Chaffee poses the champion on the left.
Gert’s championship placements.
2013 RU-CH North Country Walking Shooting Dog Championship
2013 Minnesota/Wisconsin Pro Plan Cover Dog of the Year
2012 CH Region 19 Amateur Walking Shooting Dog Championship
2012 RU-CH Minnesota Grouse Championship
2009 CH Region 19 Amateur Walking Shooting Dog Championship
Gert is a producer, too.
The 2013 runner-up champion of the National Amateur Grouse Championship is Woods R Callen Sam, a male owned by Bill Frahm. Sam is out of Gert’s only litter by Tom Jones, Scott Anderson’s dog out of his CH A Rolling Stone.
Congratulations to Rochel and Dave on your success with such a cool dog, I’m Blue Gert!