News and photos from clients

Northwoods Luna (Northwoods Blue Ox x Northwoods Chardonnay)
Age: 6 months
Lives: Twin Cities

From her owner:  “Luna absolutely loves the snow and exploring her new territory!! Her transition to our home has been very smooth and we adore her. We can’t tell you how lucky we are to have her.”

More than anything else about our business, what gives Jerry and me the most pleasure and the most gratification is good news from clients. We love seeing our dogs with their new families and in all their new situations—whether running joyfully through the snow, posing after a successful hunt, showing puppy pointing posture or just lounging in a warm house.

Some of our owners are excellent photographers as well. Enjoy!

Northwoods Santana (Northwoods Blue Ox x Northwoods Chablis)
Age: 7 months
Lives: Twin Cities and cabin “up north”

From her owner:  “Here’s a sight point on one of the 100s of gray squirrels we have this year. I snapped the picture most because of how beautiful she has become. Everyone loves her mask but I think her feathering is pretty cool looking.”


Roxie (CH Terhaar’s Rocko x CH A Rolling Stone)
Age: 8
Lives: Pennsylvania

From her owner:  “Roxie is resting and licking her wounds from a tough season. She has slimmed down and I’m now increasing her food a little for the winter.”


Rosie (Blue Riptide x Blue Ghost)
Age: 2½
Lives: Illinois

From her owner’s friend:  “On a Montana hunting trip, Rosie is looking across the field thinking, ‘Why am I in your lap when there are birds over there?'”


Female (Blue Shaquille x Snyder’s Liz)
Age: 6 months
Lives: New York and cabin in New Hampshire

From her owner:  “She is developing nicely and within the last month has really matured and figured out what is expected. She handling quail great, listens well, handles to the front naturally and with little care, and backs some of the time.  She is nice and calm in the house.”


Bess (Northwoods Blue Ox x Northwoods Chardonnay)
Age: 6 months
Lives: Ohio

From her owner:  “Bess is doing fine. She is learning quick and made her first trip to the woods last week.”


Lucy (Northwoods Blue Ox x Northwoods Chablis)
Age: 7 months
Lives: Twin Cities

From her owner:  “She had some beautiful solo points on single quail from some coveys we were following up after the initial flush, and she had one beautiful solo point on a large covey she found on her own.”

Northwoods Birds Dogs    53370 Duxbury Road, Sandstone, Minnesota 55072
Jerry: 651-492-7312     |      Betsy: 651-769-3159     |           |      Directions
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