The pointing instinct

Puppy points can be intense. Dixie (Houston's Blackjack x Northwoods Highclass Kate, 2013) is utterly focused on bird scent.

Puppy points can be intense. Dixie (Houston’s Blackjack x Northwoods Highclass Kate, 2013) is utterly focused on bird scent.

The excitement associated with seeing a dog on point is likely what attracted most pointing dog owners. What is the pointing instinct, exactly, and how does it develop?

The pointing instinct.
Pointing is defined as freezing at the scent or sight of game. It is an inherited instinct most prominent in the pointing breeds but, to some degree, many sporting breeds and wild animals also display the pointing instinct.

Two terms are frequently used to describe points.  Staunchness refers to how long the dog holds point while steadiness describes a level of training, i.e., steady-to-wing or steady-to-wing-and-shot.

Puppy points.
A puppy’s first points are usually an instinctive response to the smell of game. These points are often called “flash points” and are short in duration. Some puppies, though, do point for a longer time because they’re unsure and aren’t bold enough to rush in. During these early points, the puppy is in a heightened state of emotion, its body posture intense and sometimes crouched as it focuses exclusively on the smell.

As a puppy learns what it is smelling, it points and then stalks toward the location of scent until it gets close enough to flush the bird. The puppy chases to try to catch the bird. This continues until the puppy realizes it can’t catch the bird and, therefore, its only alternative is to hold point. As the puppy becomes more experienced in pointing, the excitement wanes and its pointing stature begins to convey confidence and boldness.

Puppy points aren't necessarily the prettiest...the important part is the instinct to stop.

Puppy points aren’t necessarily the prettiest. The important part is the instinct to stop.

Developing point.
To properly develop a young pointing dog, it should be allowed to learn how to handle birds without interference. The best method is frequent bird (wild or liberated birds that can’t be caught) contacts. Two of the most important lessons are learned at this stage—how close the dog can get to the bird before the bird flushes and that the dog’s movement causes the bird to flush. (For more information, please view the post Accuracy of location.)

There is nothing the handler can do—or should do—to rush this phase. While the puppy is pointing, don’t talk to or restrain it and don’t be in a hurry to flush the bird.

By the age of two, Northwoods Carly Simon (Blue Shaquille x Houston's Belle's Choice, 2011) was fully trained on steadiness--steady-to-wing-and-shot. On a Georgie quail plantation, she displays a quintessential pointing posture--beautiful and confident.

By the age of two, Northwoods Carly Simon (Blue Shaquille x Houston’s Belle’s Choice, 2011) was fully trained, i.e., was steady-to-wing-and-shot. On a Georgia quail plantation, she displays the quintessential pointing posture–beautiful and confident.

Staunchness and steadiness training.
At some time, and after enough bird contacts, most well-bred pointing dogs naturally stay on point until the handler arrives. This is the minimum expected (the hunter needs to be close enough to shoot the bird) and is referred to as a staunch point or staunchness.

The next step is steadiness training. Many pointing dogs are trained to be steady to the flush of a bird, also called steady-to-wing. Very few are trained to the ultimate level–steady-to-wing-and-shot.

Pointing problems.
Faulty genetics, improper development, bad training or a combination can cause problems with pointing.  Here are some of the most common and their causes.

The dog smells the bird but then avoids it and continues on. This is almost always a man-made fault from improper development around game. While some dogs may be soft tempered by nature, no dog is born a blinker.

Whether before or after pointing, the dog intentionally jumps in and causes the bird to flush. This is fine in a young dog but should not be allowed in a mature dog.  These are usually bold, aggressive dogs that need to be corrected.

The dog smells the bird and maybe points but then tries to move around the bird instead of going directly towards it. In a mature, experienced wild bird dog, this behavior might be a learned response to stop birds from running away from its points. Circling in a young dog, however, is more likely an inherited behavior but could be caused by improper training and development.

The dog points the bird but its tail wags and never stiffens. This can be inherited and/or man made.

Laying down
A dog points with low posture or even lies down on point shows a lack of boldness towards the bird and/or doesn’t want the bird to flush. This can be inherited and/or man made.

Unproductive points
The dog points and but no bird is flushed. Again, this can be inherited and/or man made. (For more information, please view the post Unproductive points.)

The "wing on a string" trick is sure fun to see but means absolutely nothing.

The “wing on a string” trick is sure fun to see but means absolutely nothing.

Final thoughts.
•    Sight points are not the same as scent points. The old “wing on a string” trick so often used to pick a pointing dog puppy means nothing regarding future scent-pointing ability.
•    All dogs will tend to point longer as they get older. Too, they get more cautious in the presence of game.
•    There is “too much point” and “not enough point.” Ideally, the young dog will have enough genetic point to stop but learn staunchness through bird contacts.
•    A precocious puppy with excessive staunchness doesn’t always turn into the best wild bird dog in the end.


    From field and home

    Frisco (Blue Riptide x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2014), on left, and Zion (CH Snyder’s Pioneer
    Scout x Northwoods Cedar, 2022)
    ~ Rick and Jodi Buchholz, North Dakota

    Rip (CH Woodville’s Yukon Cornelius x Northwoods Redbreast, 2024)
    ~ Greg and Michelle Johnson, Wisconsin

    Miles (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Northwoods Madrid, 2024)
    ~ Lars Totton, New Jersey

    Rip (Northwoods Louis Vuitton x Houston’s Dancing Queen, 2022)
    ~ Mark Fitchett, Kansas

    Vida (RU-CH Erin’s Prometheus x Northwoods
    Carly Simon, 2019)
    ~ Tom Condon, Montana

    Suki (May’s Pond Hank x Northwoods Stardust, 2024)
    ~ Eric Beauregard, Massachusetts

    Birdee-Su (CH Westfall’s Black Ice x Northwoods Prancer, 2011), from a stellar litter of eight females
    ~ Chip Young, Tennessee

    Winnie (CH Miller’s Upgraded Version x
    Northwoods Comet, 2024)
    ~ Joe and Jess Nelson Family, Minnesota


    Tally (May’s Pond Hank x Northwoods Stardust, 2024), on left, and Georgia (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2015)
    ~ Joe and Deb Wech, Minnesota

    Cosmos (RU-CH Erin’s Prometheus x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2019), on right, and his pal
    ~ The Collins Family, Georgia

    Stanley (May's Pond Hank x Northwoods Stardust, 2024)
    ~ Johansson Family, Minnesota

    Tyler (CH Miller’s Upgraded Version x Northwoods Comet, 2024)
    ~ Josh and Des Matel, Minnesota

    Filly (May’s Pond Hank x Northwoods Stardust, 2024)
    ~ Tom and Lauren Strand Family, Minnesota

    Sage (CH Miller’s Upgraded Version x Northwoods Comet, 2024), top, and Louis (CH Erin's Hidden Shamrock x Northwoods Nickel, 2018)
    ~ Joey Paxman and Amanda Allpress, Montana

    Racer (CH Miller’s Upgraded Version x Northwoods Comet, 2024), right, and his very special pal JTH Cooper (HOF CH Rock Acre Blackhawk x Northwoods Vixen, 2015)
    ~ Doug and Nicole Miller, Oregon

    Russell (CH Woodville’s Yukon Cornelius x Northwoods Redbreast, 2024)
    ~ Gregg Pike and Family, Montana

    Abby (CH Woodville’s Yukon Cornelius x Northwoods Redbreast, 2024), on top of her new pal
    ~ Ben and Penelope Pierce, Montana

    Annie (RU-CH Northwoods Nirvana x Northwoods Carbon, 2017) on her 7th birthday
    ~ Lynn and Kathy Olson, Iowa

    Maisy (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Houston’s Nelly Bly, 2023)
    ~ Zenas and Susanne Hutcheson, Minnesota

    Molly (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Houston’s Nelly Bly, 2023)
    ~ Ken and Caroline Taylor, Pennsylvania

    Jordy (CH Elhew G Force x Northwoods Prancer, 2014). Look closely!
    ~ Mark and Janie Fouts, Wisconsin

    Speck (RU-CH Erin’s Prometheus x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2018)
    ~ Mike Watson, Pennsylvania

    RU-CH Northwoods Atlas (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2017)
    ~ Greg and Michelle Johnson, Wisconsin

    Zion (CH Snyder’s Pioneer Scout x Northwoods Cedar, 2022)
    ~ Rick and Jodi Buchholz, North Dakota

    Harper (CH Snyder’s Pioneer Scout x Northwoods Cedar, 2022)
    ~ Tom Dosen-Windorski, Minnesota

    Attie (Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023)
    ~ Jeff and Carol Hintz, Arizona

    Cedar (RU-CH Erin’s Prometheus x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2019)
    ~ Eric and Lindsey Saetre, Minnesota

    Chester (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Northwoods Stardust, 2023)
    ~ The Milles Family, Minnesota

    Millie (RU-CH Northwoods Nirvana x Northwoods Carbon, 2017)
    ~ Mercer Clark, Georgia

    Belle (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023)
    ~ Kevin Sipple, Wisconsin

    Piper (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Houston’s Nelly Bly, 2021)
    ~ Tom and Ashton McPherson, Pennsylvania

    Tork (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023)
    ~ Nik Zewers, Minnesota

    Fred Dog (Northwoods Rob Roy x Northwoods Minerva, 2019)
    ~ Chris and Maggie Standish, Pennsylvania


    Phoebe (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Minerva, 2018)
    ~ Brandon Boedecker, Montana

    Earl (Northwoods Rolls Royce x Northwoods Valencia, 2020)
    ~ Craig Purse, Wisconsin

    Ginny (Northwoods Louis Vuitton x Houston’s Dancing Queen, 2022)
    ~ Pat Kane, Montana

    Valencia (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Carbon, 2017), on left, and Tasha (Blue Shaquille x Snyder’s Liz, 2012)
    ~ Tim Esse, Minnesota

    Macquina (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Houston’s Nelly Bly, 2021)
    ~ Jeremy Moore Family, Wisconsin


    Caddie (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023)
    ~ Brian Smith, Pennsylvania


    Madji (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Stardust, 2021)
    ~ Ron and Lora Nielsen, Minnesota


    Russell (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023)
    ~ Nathan and Gretchen Johnson Family, Minnesota

    Willie (Northwoods Rolls Royce x Northwoods Minerva, 2021)
    ~ Chris Smith, Wisconsin


    Junie (CH True Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2021)
    ~ Joey Paxman and Amanda Allpress, Montana


    Enni (CH Snyder’s Pioneer Scout x Northwoods Cedar 2022)
    ~ Eric and Lindsey Saetre, Minnesota

    Layla (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Houston’s Nelly Bly, 2023)
    ~ Skyler and Jen Gary, Colorado

    Frisco (Blue Riptide x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2014), on left, and Zion (CH Snyder’s Pioneer Scout x Northwoods Cedar, 2022)
    ~ Rick and Jodi Buchholz, North Dakota


    RU-CH Northwoods Atlas (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2017)
    ~ Greg and Michelle Johnson, Wisconsin


    Watson (CH Houston’s Blackjack x Northwoods Highclass Kate, 2013), on left, and Walker (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Houston’s Nelly Bly, 2023)
    ~ The Long Family, Ontario, Canada


    Northwoods Highclass Kate (Northwoods Blue Ox x Houston’s Belle’s Choice, 2010)
    ~ Barry and Jill Frieler, Minnesota


    Pep (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Houston’s Nelly Bly, 2023)
    ~ The McCrary Family, Michigan


    Maple (CH Snyder’s Pioneer Scout x Northwoods Cedar, 2022), on left, and her pal
    ~ The Watson Family, Montana

    Rip (Northwoods Atlas x Northwoods Stardust, 2023), on left, and Flint (Northwoods Blue Ox x Northwoods Chablis, 2015)
    ~ Ben and Adrian Kurtz, Colorado


    Attie (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023)
    ~ Jeff and Carol Hintz, Minnesota


    Luna (RU-CH Northwoods Nirvana x Northwoods Carbon 2017)
    ~ The McCrary Family, Michigan


    Stoeger (CH Ridge Creek Cody x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2013), on right, and Chester (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Northwoods Stardust, 2023)
    ~ The Milles Family, Minnesota


    CH Northwoods Sir Gordon (RU-CH Erin’s Prometheus x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2016), on left, and Eddie (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Northwoods Valencia, 2023)
    ~ Ben and Maureen McKean, Minnesota


    Griffin (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Northwoods Valencia, 2023)
    ~ The Johnson Family, Minnesota


    Annie (CH Rufus del Fuego x Northwoods Valencia, 2021)
    ~ The Sligh Family, Georgia

    Chrissy (CH Snyder’s Pioneer Scout x Northwoods Cedar, 2022), on left, and Carly (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2015)
    ~ Bob and Carol Berry, Wyoming


    Sage (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Northwoods Valencia, 2022)
    ~ The Orstad Family, Minnesota

    Dottie (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Betty, 2020)
    ~ Tom (on left) and Lauren Strand, Minnesota


    Lacey (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Minerva, 2020)
    ~ Zenas and Susanne Hutcheson, Massachusetts


    Smooch (CH Elhew G Force x Northwoods Vixen, 2013)
    ~ Wayne and Julie Grayson, Mississippi



    Biscuit (Northwoods Blue Ox x Northwoods Chablis, 2011), litter sister to our beloved Grits
    ~ Ryan and Monica Gould, Minnesota

    Rayna (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2017)
    ~ Jeff Bird, Oregon



    Carly Simon (Blue Shaquille x Houston’s Belle’s Choice, 2011)
    ~ Jessica Kramer, Wisconsin

    Jenny (CH Shadow Oak Bo x Northwoods Carbon, 2016)
    ~ John and Jeri Cleverdon, Michigan


    Lacey (CH Elhew G Force x Northwoods Vixen, 2016)
    ~ Brian Smith, Pennsylvania

    Jade (CH Rock Acre Blackhawk x Northwoods Vixen, 2015)
    ~ Frank Ilijanic, Michigan

    Jones, on left, and Nellie (both out of CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Northwoods Valencia, 2022)
    ~ Chris and Laura Miller, Illinois
    ~ Gregg and Sherrie Knapp, Wisconsin


    Tippy (Northwoods Louis Vuitton x Houston’s Dancing Queen, 2022)
    ~ Bill and Gail Heig, Minnesota


    Dexter (CH Snyder’s Pioneer Scout x Northwoods Cedar, 2022)
    ~ Mike Rosario, Wisconsin

    Jones (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Northwoods Valencia, 2022), on left, Stella (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2015), center, Rose (Blue Riptide x Blue Ghost, 2010), on right
    ~ Chris and Laura Miller, Illinois


    Rip (Northwoods Louis Vuitton x Houston’s Dancing Queen, 2022)
    ~ Mark and Jana Fitchett, Kansas

    Willow (Northwoods Louis Vuitton x Houston’s Dancing Queen, 2022)
    ~ Rhon and Lori Tranberg, Indiana


    Madison (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2018)
    ~ Barry and Jill Frieler, Minnesota


    Lady P (RU-CH Erin's Prometheus x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2018)
    ~ DeWolf Emery, Maine

    Nellie (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Bismuth, 2017)
    ~ Dick and Melanie Taylor, Michigan



    Elmer (Northwoods Grits x Houston’s Belle’s
    Choice, 2014), Annie (RU-CH Northwoods Nirvana x Northwoods Carbon, 2017), Sig (Northwoods Rob Roy x Northwoods Minerva, 2019), front to back
    ~ The Olson Family, Illinois
    ~ Kathy and Lynn Olson, Iowa
    ~ Chris Bye, Wisconsin

    Winston (CH Rufus Del Fuego x Northwoods Valencia, 2021)
    ~ The Short Family, Oregon


    Cosmos (RU-CH Erin’s Prometheus x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2019)
    ~ The Collins Family, Georgia


    Northwoods Diana (RU-CH Northwoods Nirvana x Northwoods Carbon, 2017)
    ~ Lynn and Kathy Olson, Iowa


    northwoods dior 250












    Northwoods Birds Dogs    53370 Duxbury Road, Sandstone, Minnesota 55072
    Jerry: 651-492-7312     |      Betsy: 651-769-3159     |           |      Directions
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