Tennessee 2012: February photo album and training report

Training has been going very well here in the mid South. Our put-out coveys are surviving nicely and there are more wild coveys than last year. Plus, the weather has been perfect for working dogs.

Of the 15 setters in this group, 14 are of the Houston line and one is by Hytest Skyhawk. Even though there are only a few pointers, the quality is high.

I have taken a few photos when possible, but sometimes things happen too fast to get the camera out.  Enjoy!

Bicolor lespedeza strip along pine row.

Creek edge and corn stubble.

Northwoods Carly Simon points quail in bicolor.

Chuck (Bill and Ryan Westfall, owners) points on field edge.

Chuck hunts the bicolor strip.

Hannah Montana (Bill Heig, owner) on point.

Joe Montana (Bill Heig, owner) on point.

Harmon (Ben McKean, owner) on point.

Kit (Austin Figgins, owner) on point.

Northwoods Kiss backs Northwoods Aerosmith.

Northwoods Aerosmith points covey.


    Northwoods Birds Dogs    53370 Duxbury Road, Sandstone, Minnesota 55072
    Jerry: 651-492-7312     |      Betsy: 651-769-3159     |           |      Directions
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