
Puppies for Sale

Northwoods Bird Dogs is justifiably proud of its breeding program of English setters and pointers. What began as a lark to win field trials has developed into a part of the business that not only ensures the future of the program but supplies passionate hunters nationwide with its preeminent puppies and trained dogs.

The first setter litter Jerry and Betsy bred in 1995 was a fortuitous pairing that produced both CH Blue Streak and CH Blue Smoke. They chose CH Dance Smartly, their pointer champion, as the dam for the first pointer breeding in 1997. Now, some 28 years, 80 litters and 500 puppies later, Jerry and Betsy are producing their eighth of generation of setters and sixth generation of pointers.

So many setters have contributed to the Northwoods’ line that it’s difficult to list them all. A partial list includes males Blue Chief, Blue Shaquille, Northwoods Blue Ox and Northwoods Grits and females Blue Streak, Blue Silk, Blue Blossom, Houston’s Belle, Houston’s Belle’s Choice, Northwoods Chardonnay, Northwoods Chablis, Northwoods Carly Simon, Northwoods Nickel, Northwoods Minerva and Northwoods Valencia.

The pointer line continues from Dance Smartly through her son Dasher and subsequent females Northwoods Prancer, Northwoods Vixen and Northwoods Comet.

A limited number of litters is planned each year. Some puppies are available for sale while others will be owned and trained by Northwoods Bird Dogs.

Listed below is information about three setter litters and and one pointer litter planned for 2025. Particulars include photographs and details about sires and dams and pedigrees of the litters. 

All setter and pointer puppies for 2025 are fully reserved. Reservations for 2026 are closed for both setter and pointer litters. 

7X CH Confident Nation x Northwoods Comet    Pedigree

Confident Nation (HOF CH True Confidence x Southern Songbird) is out of a proven nick that has consistently produced outstanding performers. Nation is a handsome orange-and-white dog that weighs about 57 lbs. He exhibits strength and athleticism in every move and his lofty style on point is breathtaking. His disposition around the kennel and home is a 10. Nation has competed at the highest levels of wild bird field trials winning the National Amateur Prairie Chicken Shooting Dog Championship three times, National Prairie Chicken Shooting Dog Championship two times, the prestigious Southwestern Championship, the Georgia Quail Championship and The Region 19 Amateur Shooting Dog Championship. 

Like most of the True Confidence progeny, he is easy to handle with a want-to-please attitude that makes working with him a joy. Nation is owned and handled by Scott Jordan of Minnesota.

Northwoods Comet (HOF CH Rock Acre Blackhawk x Northwoods Vixen, 2018) is a liver-and-white female that weighs 45 lbs. She has an evenly masked head and a mostly white body with a patch on her left side. Comet is strong and stout yet athletic and graceful. She is a strong wild bird-finder and yet is easy handling. Comet is a dream to hunt whether in the grouse woods, piney woods or on a Montana prairie as she adjusts her range to suit the terrain. Comet is the star of our grouse guiding and Georgia quail hunting string. She has a want-to-please attitude and is a natural, soft-mouthed retriever.

Comet has a friendly, outgoing personality and will sidle up to anyone willing to give her attention. She lives in the house and loves her chew toys, treats and soft dog bed. Her favorite spot is always in front of the glass door in the sunshine. Her first three litters by CH True Confidence, CH Southern Confidence (a brother to Confident Nation) and Miller’s Upgraded Version were outstanding.

Comet is expected to whelp in early May 2025.

Cold Creek Hank x Northwoods Stardust    Pedigree    


Cold Creek Hank (CH Cold Creek Kevinator x Cold Creek Maggie) is a seven-year-old tricolor male with an even mask and a ticked body. He weighs about 55 lbs. Hank is a strong, forward-running bird-finder with a calm disposition and is attractive both pointing and backing. He is competed in both AKC and UKC field trials and hunted extensively on prairie birds. Hank is line-bred to Blue Shaquille and CH Houston’s Belle, exhibiting many outstanding traits of the Houston line.

When not at a trial or hunting in the field, Hank is beloved pet. He is owned and handled by Ian MacTavish of Minnesota.

Northwoods Stardust (RU-CH Erin’s Prometheus x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2019), photo above, weighs 44 lbs. and has a white body with a beautiful, evenly masked, tricolor head. She is attractive in motion and runs with a smooth, easy gait. Stardust (call name Dusty) was pointing wilds birds until flush during her first hunting season. With her head high, she is easy to pick out on point, showing tremendous loftiness and intensity on point. She is a natural backer and hunts at a medium range.

Dusty has a wonderful, sweet temperament and is quiet and calm in the kennel. She is out of the third Prometheus x Carly Simon, an excellent pairing. Her first litters by Northwoods Grits, RU-CH Northwoods Atlas and May’s Pond Hank were outstanding and no less is expected from this litter.

Stardust is expected to whelp in mid May 2025.

Northwoods Homer x Northwoods Four Roses        Pedigree

Northwoods Homer (CH Synder’s Pioneer Scout x CH Northwoods Cedar, 2022) is a three-year-old white-and-orange ticked dog who weighs a solid 50 lbs. Homer (named after the famous author) has beautiful conformation; a smooth gait with a lofty, intense pointing posture. He is a natural, front-running bird-finder with a want-to-please attitude. He has been hunted extensively on ruffed grouse and woodcock as well as Hungarian partridge, sharptailed grouse and Texas bobwhite quail. He was from a litter of outstanding grouse dogs; his sire and dam are both cover dog champions. His dam, Northwoods Cedar, is from the successful nick between RU-CH Erin’s Prometheus x Northwoods Carly Simon. Homer is a young dog with tremendous potential. 

In addition to being hunted, Homer has several cover dog field trial placements. He is owned and handled by Mitch Anderson of Minnesota.

Northwoods Four Roses (CH Rufus Del Fuego x Northwoods Valencia, 2021) weighs 40 lbs. and has a white body with a beautiful, evenly masked, tricolor head. She is strong in motion and runs with a smooth, easy gait. She naturally backs and retrieves. Four Roses (call name Rose) was pointing ruffed grouse her first season and naturally held to the flush. She has been hunted on sharp-tailed grouse and Hungarian partridge as well as being a member of the Georgia bobwhite quail hunting string.

In the kennel, Rose’s disposition is a 10; she is as calm as a dog can be and gets along with every dog in the kennel.

Four Roses is expected to whelp in mid May 2025.

CH Erin’s Three Leaf Shamrock x Northwoods Snow Bunny  Pedigree

Erin’s Three Leaf Shamrock (CH Erin’s Hidden Shamrock x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2015) is a mostly white dog with a tricolor mask on the left side of his head. He is solidly built, well-conformed and weighs about 50-lbs. He has a beautiful gait and is lofty and stylish on point. Shamrock is a two-time winner of the Elwin G. Smith Setter Award given annually to the winningest English setter in Open Shooting Dog field trials.

Northwoods Snow Bunny (CH Ponderosa Mac x Northwoods Redbreast, 2022) weighs 39 lbs. and has a white body with dark nose and eyes. She is attractive in motion, runs with a smooth, easy gait and handles easily. She is intense on point and naturally backs. She has pointed wild birds in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Montana and Georgia. Bunny has a friendly disposition and is quiet and clean in the kennel.

Snow Bunny is expected to be bred in spring 2025.


We can’t say enough about how much joy Timber has brought into our lives. His first hunting season was filled with great experiences—his “million-dollar points” took my breath away! He is definitely on his way to being the dog of a lifetime. Thanks for helping to make it possible! Quotes End
~ Keith
Pointer, CH Elhew G Force x Northwoods Prancer

Lucy……. everybody loves Lucy! I am serious. I don’t know what she has got but you can’t help but smile every time you watch her. She is so calm and nice when you stop and pet her…..she just soaks it up…..but take her out side and she is all systems go! I could not be any happier! Thank you for all your help and another wonderful dog. Quotes End
~ Mike
Setter, CH Shadow Oak Bo x Northwoods Chardonnay

I can’t believe I got one of your dogs. Quotes End
~ Jeff
Setter, Northwoods Grits x Houston's Belle's Choice

Never took a shot all day. Last 45 minutes, took Buddy out just trying to see if I can get him to move with me and respond to the collar. Shot 4 birds over him. He looked at me with, “Hey, I was born for this.” Quotes End
~ Joe
Pointer, CH Elhew G Force x Northwoods Vixen

Daisy put on a world-class performance tonight—best hunt of the year. In an hour and a half she had 9 finds which included 16 birds. She worked the running groups like a master. This was all with NO WIND, dead air. What a night.....and I did not have to say a word to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quotes End
~ Bill
Setter, Blue Chief x Blue Blossom

First and foremost, on behalf of our entire family, thank you very, very much for the wonderful experience throughout the whole process of us acquiring a puppy from Northwoods Bird Dogs. It is obvious you are both very knowledgeable and committed to raising and training quality dogs, and we’re happy to be recipients of that. When we left your place on Friday, we all agreed that we got the best one and she was meant to be for our family!! EVERYBODY LOVES HER SO MUCH!!! Quotes End
~ Gregg
Setter, CH Ridge Creed Cody x Northwoods Chardonnay

When I think about all of the hunting I have done with Izzie this first year, I think what I like best is her adaptive nature. I have hunted her in the woods in MN and WI, on all the desert birds in AZ and have run her off horseback. In each case she quickly and naturally figures out where to be and what to do. Loads of style, quick learner, so much natural ability, great instincts and pleasant to be around. Thanks again and keep breeding pointers with these qualities. Quotes End
~ Jeff
Pointer, CH Westfall's Black Ice x Northwoods Prancer

Thank you once again for allowing me the opportunity to own one of your fine bird dogs. I’ve had the pleasure of hunting over a number of dogs in my lifetime. Zada has drive and intelligence, a rare combination in a young bird dog. Quotes End
~ Tom
Setter, CH Ridge Creek Cody x Northwoods Chardonnay

Roxy has been an outstanding addition to our family. She is full of life and our children absolutely love her. Quotes End
~ Joe
Setter, Northwoods Grits x Houston's Belle's Choice

Piper (who we always knew was a kind of an eerie bird savant) has become even more so. She pointed (on the clock) at 7 seconds out, and I said, "That's my Piper." She continues to be a delight, and the most amazing dog I've ever seen as she pairs incredible drive with critical thinking and the world's sweetest temperament. Thanks again for all your remarkable work which gave me such a wonderful friend. Quotes End
~ Roberta
Setter, Blue Riptide x Blue Ghost