Layla (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Houston’s Nelly Bly, 2023)
~ Skyler and Jen Gary, Colorado

Frisco (Blue Riptide x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2014), on left, and Zion (CH Snyder’s Pioneer Scout x Northwoods Cedar, 2022)
~ Rick and Jodi Buchholz, North Dakota

RU-CH Northwoods Atlas (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2017)
~ Greg and Michelle Johnson, Wisconsin

Watson (CH Houston’s Blackjack x Northwoods Highclass Kate, 2013), on left, and Walker (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Houston’s Nelly Bly, 2023)
~ The Long Family, Ontario, Canada

Northwoods Highclass Kate (Northwoods Blue Ox x Houston’s Belle’s Choice, 2010)
~ Barry and Jill Frieler, Minnesota

Pep (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Houston’s Nelly Bly, 2023)
~ The McCrary Family, Michigan

Maple (CH Snyder’s Pioneer Scout x Northwoods Cedar, 2022), on left, and her pal
~ The Watson Family, Montana

Rip (Northwoods Atlas x Northwoods Stardust, 2023), on left, and Flint (Northwoods Blue Ox x Northwoods Chablis, 2015)
~ Ben and Adrian Kurtz, Colorado

Attie (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023)
~ Jeff and Carol Hintz, Minnesota

Luna (RU-CH Northwoods Nirvana x Northwoods Carbon 2017)
~ The McCrary Family, Michigan

Stoeger (CH Ridge Creek Cody x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2013), on right, and Chester (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Northwoods Stardust, 2023)
~ The Milles Family, Minnesota

CH Northwoods Sir Gordon (RU-CH Erin’s Prometheus x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2016), on left, and Eddie (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Northwoods Valencia, 2023)
~ Ben and Maureen McKean, Minnesota

Griffin (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Northwoods Valencia, 2023)
~ The Johnson Family, Minnesota

Annie (CH Rufus del Fuego x Northwoods Valencia, 2021)
~ The Sligh Family, Georgia

Chrissy (CH Snyder’s Pioneer Scout x Northwoods Cedar, 2022), on left, and Carly (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2015)
~ Bob and Carol Berry, Wyoming

Sage (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Northwoods Valencia, 2022)
~ The Orstad Family, Minnesota

Dottie (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Betty, 2020)
~ Tom (on left) and Lauren Strand, Minnesota

Lacey (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Minerva, 2020)
~ Zenas and Susanne Hutcheson, Massachusetts

Smooch (CH Elhew G Force x Northwoods Vixen, 2013)
~ Wayne and Julie Grayson, Mississippi

Biscuit (Northwoods Blue Ox x Northwoods Chablis, 2011), litter sister to our beloved Grits
~ Ryan and Monica Gould, Minnesota

Rayna (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2017)
~ Jeff Bird, Oregon

Carly Simon (Blue Shaquille x Houston’s Belle’s Choice, 2011)
~ Jessica Kramer, Wisconsin

Jenny (CH Shadow Oak Bo x Northwoods Carbon, 2016)
~ John and Jeri Cleverdon, Michigan

Lacey (CH Elhew G Force x Northwoods Vixen, 2016)
~ Brian Smith, Pennsylvania

Jade (CH Rock Acre Blackhawk x Northwoods Vixen, 2015)
~ Frank Ilijanic, Michigan

Jones, on left, and Nellie (both out of CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Northwoods Valencia, 2022)
~ Chris and Laura Miller, Illinois
~ Gregg and Sherrie Knapp, Wisconsin

Tippy (Northwoods Louis Vuitton x Houston’s Dancing Queen, 2022)
~ Bill and Gail Heig, Minnesota

Dexter (CH Snyder’s Pioneer Scout x Northwoods Cedar, 2022)
~ Mike Rosario, Wisconsin

Jones (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Northwoods Valencia, 2022), on left, Stella (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2015), center, Rose (Blue Riptide x Blue Ghost, 2010), on right
~ Chris and Laura Miller, Illinois

Rip (Northwoods Louis Vuitton x Houston’s Dancing Queen, 2022)
~ Mark and Jana Fitchett, Kansas

Willow (Northwoods Louis Vuitton x Houston’s Dancing Queen, 2022)
~ Rhon and Lori Tranberg, Indiana

Madison (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2018)
~ Barry and Jill Frieler, Minnesota

Lady P (RU-CH Erin's Prometheus x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2018)
~ DeWolf Emery, Maine

Nellie (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Bismuth, 2017)
~ Dick and Melanie Taylor, Michigan

Elmer (Northwoods Grits x Houston’s Belle’s
Choice, 2014), Annie (RU-CH Northwoods Nirvana x Northwoods Carbon, 2017), Sig (Northwoods Rob Roy x Northwoods Minerva, 2019), front to back
~ The Olson Family, Illinois
~ Kathy and Lynn Olson, Iowa
~ Chris Bye, Wisconsin

Winston (CH Rufus Del Fuego x Northwoods Valencia, 2021)
~ The Short Family, Oregon

Cosmos (RU-CH Erin’s Prometheus x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2019)
~ The Collins Family, Georgia

Northwoods Diana (RU-CH Northwoods Nirvana x Northwoods Carbon, 2017)
~ Lynn and Kathy Olson, Iowa