Field trial results from fall 2017
Puppies and young dogs bred by Northwoods Bird Dogs are sold to various types of owners scattered across the country. The vast majority are serious upland bird hunters who spend many days and weeks in the woods and fields. Some owners are professional guides who need to put on a top-notch show for their clients. Still other owners have the field trial bug and compete their dogs at different venues.
No matter the buyer, Betsy and I are dedicated to breeding outstanding dogs that have the physical and mental ability to do whatever the owner chooses.
Though we don’t compete in field trials any longer, we are extremely proud to have dogs with Northwoods blood campaigned. Congratulations to these owners for their time, effort and expense to showcase their dogs in public competition.
Merimac’s Westerly Gail (Blue Shaquille x Houston’s Belle’s Choice, 2009) placed first for owner/handler Don McKean in the Grand Valley Field Trial walking stake held at Ionia, Mich. Not only is Don a retired Michigan veterinarian, grouse hunter and avid bird dog connoisseur but he’s also the father of our good friend and client, Ben McKean.

CH Northwoods Charles (CH Ridge Creek Cody x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2013) is posed by handler Travis Gelhaus for owner Bill Owen in green hat.
CH Northwoods Charles (CH Ridge Creek Cody x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2013) continues his winning ways for owner Bill Owen of California. Charles was named RU-CH at the Pacific Northwest Open Shooting Dog Championship in Condon, Ore. This placement, along with other wins, qualified him to run in the National Shooting Dog Championship (the foremost field trial for shooting dogs) held this spring on the Sedgefield plantation near Midway, Ala.
Sean Derrig of Illinois is a successful trainer and handler on the horseback all age field trial circuit with many championships. He primarily breeds and competes with his pointers but currently has two setters in his string. The eldest is CH Erin’s Hidden Shamrock (photo at top), a male sired by CH Ridge Creek Cody, a dog we co-bred with Paul Hauge, out of Erin’s Skydancer.
Shamrock racked up impressive wins last fall. He won the United States Open Championship held in Alabama and was named RU-CH in the International Pheasant Championship held in Ohio. These wins re-qualified him for the 2018 National Championship (he also qualified and ran in 2017) on the Ames Plantation in Grand Junction, Tenn. This is the foremost all age field trial in the country and requires entrants to compete in three-hour braces.

Sean Derrig, on left, poses his derby winner Erin’s Three Leaf Shamrock (CH Erin’s Hidden Shamrock x Northwoods Chardonnay).
Sean also campaigns Shamrock’s son by Northwoods Chardonnay, Erin’s Three Leaf Shamrock. Three Leaf placed first in the Arlin Nolen Open Derby Classic, held in Booneville, Ark., a one-hour stake judged by all age standards.
Chuck Ludolph of Minnesota competes his setters in National Shoot to Retrieve (NSTRA) trials. CH Ludy’s Northwoods Jack Pot (CH Shadow Oak Bo x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2014) placed sixth in a field of 192 dogs at the 2017 NSTRA Dog of the Year trial. In addition, Jack Pot recently earned his first NSTRA champion title.