Son of Houston wins amateur pheasant championship

2013 National Amateur Pheasant Shooting Dog Championship winners: Champion Nemaha Yankee (on left) and Runner-up Champion Houston’s Blue Diamond.
From a quality entry of 62 dogs, Houston’s Blue Diamond was named Runner-Up Champion in the National Amateur Pheasant Shooting Dog Championship. Diamond was handled by his owner, Ross Leonard, of Cloudland, Georgia. The trial was held in August near Circle, Montana, and run on native pheasant, Hungarian partridge and sharp-tailed grouse. The judges were Jim Michaletz of Goodman, Missouri, and Harold Ray of Waynesboro, Georgia.
Diamond was bred in 2006 by Paul Hauge who used his favorite sire Houston (via frozen semen) to Forest Ridge Jewel. This is the second year in a row that a setter from Paul’s “Houston” line has placed in that championship–the 2012 winner was Ridge Creek Cody (CH Can’t Go Wrong x CH Houston’s Belle).
Congratulations to Ross, Diamond and Paul!
Click (Another champion: Houston’s Blue Diamond) for a post about a previous Diamond placement.