Working spring grouse and woodcock

Belleboa and Kay share woodcock.

Working dogs on spring grouse is quite different from autumn training.  The grassy cover is matted down and birds are frequently seen walking in front of the dog—quite a tempting situation for a young (or not-so-young!) dog—which also makes for great training. It’s common to flush two or more grouse in front of a point.


Shaq pointing grouse.

The spring grouse woods in Minnesota can be tough on a dog.  The terrain includes spots of ice, soft mud, cold creeks and many obstacles in thick cover. It is no small effort for dogs to constantly twist, turn, jump and navigate and all at a good rate of speed. It’s important to have the dogs in decent condition. Some of our dogs’ worst injuries have occurred in the spring. 


Jill pointing woodcock.

We love working dogs on spring grouse and woodcock…..and we basically have the woods to ourselves.

Through Markville

Directions to Northwoods Bird Dogs through Markville

•    Just south of St. Croix Trail on Wisconsin Highway 35/77 (or approximately 10 miles north of Danbury), turn west onto N. Markville Road.
•    Continue for 3 miles to State Line Road and turn left, or south.
•    Continue .5 mile to Markville Road, or County Road 25, and turn right, or west.
•    Continue for about 11.4 miles to a T.
•    Turn right, or north, onto Tamarack River Road, or County Road 24.
•    Continue for 2 miles to stop sign and turn left, or west, onto Duxbury Road, or County Road 30.
•    Continue for about 6 miles.
•    Look for a blue fire number, 53370. That is our driveway.  Continue past the house to the kennel at the end of the driveway.  

Northwoods Bird Dogs
53370 Duxbury Road
Sandstone, Minnesota 55072

Through Finlayson

Directions to Northwoods Bird Dogs through Finlayson

•    At the T intersection a couple miles after Finlayson, turn right, or south, to stay on Highway 18.
•    Continue straight at next intersection, where road turns into Highway 23 West.
•    Follow for a couple miles, veering to the left by Rich’s Bar and across the railroad tracks where the road becomes the main street of Sandstone.
•    Turn left in downtown, following the sign for 123. Follow over the Kettle River and continue east for about 3 miles to a stop sign.
•    Continue east, or straight ahead, where the road turns into County Road 30, or Duxbury Road, for about 10 miles.
•    Look for a blue fire number, 53370. That is our driveway. Continue past the house to the kennel at the end of the driveway.  

Northwoods Bird Dogs
53370 Duxbury Road
Sandstone, Minnesota 55072

From Minneapolis/St. Paul

Directions to Northwoods Bird Dogs from Minneapolis/St. Paul

•    Follow Interstate 35 north.
•    Exit at the main Hinckley exit, #183.  
•    Turn east, or right, onto State Highway 48.  Continue for about 9 miles to the tiny village of Cloverdale.  
•    Turn north, or left, onto County Road 21 or Cloverdale Road.  Continue for about 8 miles.  
•    At the stop sign, turn east, or right, onto County Road 30 or Duxbury Road.  Continue for 7 miles.
•    Look for the blue fire number, 53370.  That is our driveway.  Continue past the house to the kennel at the end of the driveway.

Northwoods Bird Dogs
53370 Duxbury Road
Sandstone, Minnesota 55072

From Duluth

Directions to Northwoods Bird Dogs from Duluth

•    Follow Interstate 35 south.
•    Exit at the Askov/Finlayson exit, #195.
•    Turn left, or east, onto highway 23. Continue for about 3.5 miles.
•    Turn right, or south, onto highway 123. Continue for about 4 miles.
•    Turn left, or east, onto County Road 30, or Duxbury Road. Continue for 10 miles. 
•    Look for blue fire number, 53370. That is our driveway. Turn right, or south.
•    Continue to the kennel which is past the house at the end of the driveway.

Northwoods Bird Dogs
53370 Duxbury Road
Sandstone, Minnesota 55072

From Danbury, Wisconsin

Directions to Northwoods Bird Dogs from Danbury, Wisconsin

•    Follow Highway 35.
•    In Danbury, turn west onto Highway 77.
•    Continue for about 4 miles and just after crossing the St. Croix River into Minnesota, turn right, or north, onto Grace Lake Road.
•    Continue for about 5.8 miles to a stop sign.
•    Turn left, or west, onto Markville Road, or County Road 25.
•    Continue for about 3.5 miles to a T.  
•    Turn right, or north, onto Tamarack River Road, or County Road 24.
•    Continue for 2 miles to stop sign and turn left, or west, onto Duxbury Road, or County Road 30.
•    Continue for about 6 miles.
•    Look for a blue fire number, 53370. That is our driveway.  Continue past the house to the kennel at the end of the driveway.  

Northwoods Bird Dogs
53370 Duxbury Road
Sandstone, Minnesota 55072

Northwoods Birds Dogs    53370 Duxbury Road, Sandstone, Minnesota 55072
Jerry: 651-492-7312     |      Betsy: 651-769-3159     |           |      Directions
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©2025 Northwoods Bird Dogs  |  Website: The Sportsman’s Cabinet