What if I’d said “WHOA”?

Northwoods Eddie Setter (CH/RU-CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Northwoods Valencia, 2023)

The video shows two young setters working wild bobwhite quail in southwestern Georgia. The dog in front that stopped looks, at first, relatively sure. But then he starts to move. He and the backing dog then both move up, point and move again.

Both dogs are trying to locate the birds. They eventually leave the area when they realize the birds are gone.

I never said a word. My only help was a soft whistle, encouraging them to move up.

This is the way to develop a wild bird dog. The handler should let the dog learn accurate location of the bird with minimal interference and, ultimately, learn how close it can get to the birds without causing the birds to flush. (The dog will flush some birds, but who cares? Give the dog freedom to make mistakes.)

What if I’d said “WHOA?” when I walked in on the point and the back? What if I had made the dogs stay on point when they first stopped? What if I’d corrected them?

The dogs would have learned that moving in the presence of bird scent is not allowed. Even if they wanted to move, staying put was the safest thing to do. The dogs would have learned to be more concerned about making a mistake than in handling the birds correctly.

And the dogs would have learned to depend on the handler to decide if the birds were there.

2024: Hail and Farewell

Jeff Hintz and Cooper (HOF CH Rock Acre Blackhawk x Northwoods Vixen, 2015)

In a nod to the CBS News “Sunday Morning” feature, Betsy and I want to honor two special people and nine dogs that passed away in 2024.

Jeff Hintz (1948 – 2024)
Though our mutual association with grouse trials, Jeff had been a friend since the 1990s. But in 2005, that friendship blossomed to another level when Jeff sold us a chunk of his land where we built our house and kennel. Every summer and fall, Jeff lived next door in his own unique home, Thunder Meadow. We saw him almost every day because he helped us train dogs. He also was one of our biggest supporters and advisors.

Jeff owned lots of dogs—many were pointers he got from us—over the years. He loved his dogs and bird hunting; few dogs worked wild birds more than his. Jeff also competed successfully in field trials for more than four decades. He was especially proud of CH JTH Izzie, a pointer that won off horseback and foot and was the MN/WI Derby of the Year. She pointed many species of upland birds and even retrieved ducks!

Jeff was our neighbor, friend and confidante. We miss him.

Steve Studer and CH Bear Hill Bob

Steve Studer (1945 – 2024)
Shortly after I bought my first setter in the late 1980s, I met Steve. He took me to my first big trial, the Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Invitational Classic held in Gladwin, Mich., and we became good friends. We worked dogs together and hunted together. We traveled to Texas every Christmas to hunt and bring dogs for our friend, Roger Buddin, to train. Steve’s Bear Hill pointers were successful competitors in the woods and his pointer male, CH Bear Hill Bob, won the National Amateur Grouse Championship in the early 1990s. Steve was a long-time president of the Minnesota Grouse Dog Assoc.

Steve was also an outstanding chef who was way ahead of his time in cooking ideas. His laugh was loud and infectious and he lifted up everyone around him. Steve was a big man with a big heart. We are grateful and feel fortunate for the years we spent with him.

“Dogs’ lives are too short. Their only fault, really.”
~ Agnes Sligh Turnbull

Two female setters and one male died far too young. Two female pointers and a male setter lived to ages of 13, 14 and 13 respectively. Three setter females from the same litter died this year at age 14. They had spent their entire lives together as their owners all hunted at the same grouse camp.

We will always remember.

Maquina (CH/RU-CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Houston’s Nelly Bly, 2021), age 3

Valencia (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Carbon, 2017), age 7

2X RU-CH Northwoods Atlas, a.k.a. Jet (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2017), age 7

Birdee Sue (CH Westfall’s Black Ice x Northwoods Prancer, 2011), age 13

Morris (CH Houston’s Blackjack x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2011), age 13

Ice (CH Westfall’s Black Ice x Black Bama, 2010), age 14

Rosie, Piper and Sage (Blue Riptide x Blue Ghost, 2010), age 14


Montana is for young dogs

The posture of Chet (May’s Pond Hank x Northwoods Stardust, 2024) on this staunch point is impressive, especially for a six-month-old puppy.

“There comes a time when it is absolutely necessary for the breaker to go afield with his dog and do nothing but let the dog develop.”
~ C. B. Whitford, Training The Bird Dog, 1908

The key word in the quote is develop. This isn’t the time to train the dog. It’s the time to let the dog learn without interference from the handler.

Further, it’s a time specifically for a young dog. Betsy and I believe this time is crucial for a young dog to figure out its purpose, to learn from the birds, to let it make mistakes around game and to get excited about hunting and finding birds.

Rudy (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023) chases a big covey of Hungarian partridge.

In addition to developing them, though, it’s a perfect time to evaluate a young dog in all sorts of ways—from seeing how it runs the country and uses its nose, how it acts when game is scented, whether it is bold or cautious. Also, it’s time to observe gait, carriage and the dog’s ability to orient to the handler.

All of that was the focus of my trip to Montana. The eight young dogs in my string ranged in age from five to 20 months. In the trailer also were Comet and Robin, two experienced bird dogs.

The dogs gained knowledge and experience and we all had a blast.


Cupid (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023) backs her dam, Comet (HOF CH Rock Acre Blackhawk x Northwoods Vixen, 2018).

Robin (Northwoods Rolls Royce x Northwoods Minerva, 2021), on left, and her daughter, Dilly (CH Woodville’s Yukon Cornelius x Northwoods Redbreast, 2024) share point on sharptails in front of a thornapple thicket.

The views are spectacular! Rudy (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023) backs Robin (Northwoods Rolls Royce x Northwoods Minerva, 2021).

Foxy (May’s Pond Hank x Northwoods Stardust, 2024) and her littermate, Chet, made the trip. Foxy had a nice find and point on huns.

In pretty late afternoon light, two five-month-old littermates out of CH Miller’s Upgraded Version x Northwoods Comet stand on a find. Tyler, owned by Josh Matel, is backed by our puppy, Dahlia.

Northwoods Atlas: May 2017 – July 2024

Northwoods Atlas (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2017)

Most often, I write these remembrances when, after living a long life, a special dog passes. In those cases, you see the end coming and you can, somewhat, prepare yourself. But when a favorite dog dies suddenly, without warning, in the prime of its life, the heartache and pain are almost unbearable.

Atlas died like that on July 11.

Northwoods Atlas (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2017), call name Jet, was owned by Greg and Michelle Johnson of Wisconsin. Previously they had owned Gordon setters. Jet was the first dog “white dog” Greg trained and entered in cover dog field trials.

From the beginning, Greg and Jet were a winning duo. From his first derby placement through two runner-up championships, Jet placed in almost every trial—whether in Minnesota, Wisconsin or North Dakota and whether in wild bird or planted quail trials. The stake wasn’t over until Jet ran.

A stellar field trial season placed Greg and Jet as winners of both the amateur and open 2024 Minnesota/Wisconsin Shooting Dog of the Year awards.

Jet had all the characteristics of a champion—style in motion, style on point and the ability to find birds. In addition, Jet had consistency. In 2024, he won a distinctive honor by taking home the Minnesota/Wisconsin Shooting Dog of the Year for both open and amateurs. Jet was invited to the 2023 Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Invitational field trial, the most prestigious in the cover dog world as only the top 14 point-earning dogs are invited. Most likely, he would have been invited again in 2025.

Jet possessed another attribute: he passed on his special qualities to his offspring. He sired only four litters but there are many happy dog owners to whom Betsy and I have sold puppies. Jet had a bright future in our breeding program and he leaves a big hole. In addition, one son, Big Big Energy, won the 2024 Minnesota/Wisconsin Open Derby of the Year award, so a father/son pair won in the same year.

On a vacation to the Southwest last winter, Michelle and Jet rest in rugged terrain.

It’s said that actions speak louder than words. Seeing Greg and Michelle interact with Jet in their day-to-day lives, at field trials and on vacations, they didn’t have to talk about how deeply they loved him and were devoted to his health and well-being. And knowing Jet as we did and watching him, it was clear the feeling was mutual.

National caliber cover dog winner, excellent producer, devoted companion. What more could a dog give?

RIP sweet Jet. We will always remember.

Spring field trial review: Minnesota, Wisconsin and others

Northwoods Atlas (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2017) strikes a stunning pose for owner and handler Greg Johnson. They had just won the Moose River Grouse Dog Club Open Shooting Dog Classic.

Cover dog field trials in Minnesota and Wisconsin are thriving. The number of dogs entered at spring trials often reached 30 dogs. Many handlers of those dogs are relatively new, as are spectators walking in the gallery. These newcomers are grouse and woodcock hunters and they come not only to watch good dogs perform but to enjoy the camaraderie of others who share their passion.

Cover dog trials are run on ruffed grouse and woodcock. Two handlers, followed by two judges, two scouts for the handlers and the gallery, walk on pre-determined courses through native habitat of aspen forests, thick hazel understory and lowland edges. The handlers’ two dogs search the course for birds—similar to a hunting situation—and the dogs are judged on how they respond to their handler, how they move through the cover, how they interact with their bracemate and, ultimately, how they find and point birds. The dogs are run with only a bell to track their movement; no GPS collars, beepers, or e-collars are allowed.

There are three levels of competition based on ages: Puppy, Derby and Shooting Dog. Different standards exist for different levels but all levels must have the drive and desire to hunt through punishing cover in search of a bird. Then, while focused on hunting, the dog must keep track of its handler so that when it finds a bird and points, the handler can find the dog. When pointed, the dog should exhibit poise, confidence and accurate location of the bird.

A dog that competes at the shooting dog level must be steady-to-wing-and-shot and, if the opportunity arises, back its bracemate. In addition, the dog should move and point in a manner that excites and do it with minimum direction from its handler.

In short, the winners of shooting dog stakes are very high-class bird dogs—with physicality, stamina, focus, bird-finding, style and verve. In other words, most serious bird hunters would be proud to own these winning dogs.

To win in field trials, though, takes more than a talented dog. It takes an extremely committed owner willing to start with a young prospect and wear out several pairs of boots in the dog’s development, training and competition. The owner must be dedicated to spend time in the field to bring that prospect to its full potential—and that time isn’t counted in days or months but rather in years.

It’s always fun to see the group photo after a weekend of trials. Pictured with Greg Johnson and Northwoods Atlas are judges, handlers, other participants and spectators.

When it all comes together, though, and the handler’s name and dog are announced as winners, the feeling of exhilaration and of accomplishment render most handlers speechless and all that time is forgotten.

Listed below are winners of field trials in Minnesota and Wisconsin this spring. Congratulations to our clients and their dogs who have put in the effort and felt the thrill of winning.

2X RU-CH Northwoods Atlas (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2017), owned and handled by Greg Johnson.
• 1st place Chippewa Valley Grouse Dog Assoc. Open Shooting Dog stake
• RU-CH Region 19 Amateur Walking Shooting Dog Championship, sponsored by Minnesota Grouse Dog Assoc.
• 1st place Moose River Grouse Dog Club Open Shooting Dog Classic
• Winner of Minnesota/Wisconsin Cover Dog Open and Amateur Shooting Dog of the Year

Eric and Lindsey Saetre, owners and handlers of Northwoods Cedar Edge (CH Snyders Pioneer Scout x Northwoods Cedar, 2022), and Edge’s silver trophy as Minnesota/Wisconsin Cover Dog Amateur Derby of the Year.

Northwoods Cedar Edge (CH Snyders Pioneer Scout x Northwoods Cedar, 2022), owned and handled by Eric and Lindsey Saetre.
• 3rd place North Country Bird Hunters Assoc. Open Derby
• 3rd place Minnesota Grouse Dog Assoc. Open Derby
• 2nd place Minnesota Grouse Dog Assoc. Open Shooting Dog
• Winner of Minnesota/Wisconsin Cover Dog Amateur Derby of the Year

Northwoods Cedar (RU-CH Erin’s Prometheus x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2019), owned and handled by Eric and Lindsey Saetre.
• 1st place North Country Bird Hunters Assoc. Open Shooting Dog

Ruffed Country Sweet Lily (Northwoods Rob Roy x Northwoods Minerva, 2018), owned and handled by Jordan Pharris.
• 2nd place North Country Bird Hunters Assoc. Open Shooting Dog

Northwoods Paco (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023), owned and handled by Josh Matel.
• 2nd place Moose River Grouse Dog Club Open Derby

CH/RU-CH Northwoods Sir Gordon (RU-CH Erin’s Prometheus x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2019), owned and handled by Ben McKean.
• 1st place Midwest Field Trial Assoc. Open Shooting Dog

Northwoods Eddie Setter (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Northwoods Valencia, 2023), owned and handled by Ben McKean.
• 2nd place Midwest Field Trial Assoc. Open Derby

Pretty cool for first-time trialers Mitch Anderson, on right, and Brad Gudenkauf, center, to place first and second, respectively. Even cooler, the two derby-aged dogs are littermates.

Northwoods Homer (CH Snyder’s Pioneer Scout x Northwoods Cedar, 2022), owned and handled by Mitch Anderson. (These were the first field trials for both Mitch and Homer.)
• 2nd place Moose River Grouse Dog Club Open Derby
• 1st place Minnesota Grouse Dog Assoc. Open Derby

Northwoods Pied Piper (CH Snyders Pioneer Scout x Northwoods Cedar, 2022), owned and handled by Brad Gudenkauf. (This was Brad and Rigby’s first field trial, too.)
• 2nd place Minnesota Grouse Dog Assoc. Open Derby

And in other parts of the country…

Riley Crumbie, on left, and Pine Fair Lady (Northwoods Parmigiano x Northwoods Rum Rickey, 2014).

Pine Fair Lady (Northwoods Parmigiano x Northwoods Rum Rickey, 2014) owned by Pine Fair Plantation and handled by Riley Cumbie.
• 1st place Georgia/Florida Hunting Dog Invitational, Aucilla Plantation, Thomasville, Ga.

Northwoods Sunny Day (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Northwoods Stardust, 2023), owned and handled by Tom Keiffer.
• 3rd place Black Moshannon Field Trial Club Open Puppy, Philipsburg, Pa.

CH Charlie’s Zip Tie, sired by CH Northwoods Charles (CH Ridge Creek Cody x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2013), is owned and handled by Bill Owen of Santa Barbara, Calif.
• 3rd place Cahaba Bend Field Trial Club Amateur Shooting Dog Classic, Greensboro, Ala.
• RU-CH California Open Shooting Dog Championship

In addition, it’s worth noting that winning carries on when dogs out of our breeding are crossed with other dogs.

An impressive father/son duo: Jordan Pharris, on right, is owner/handler of Big Big Energy and Greg Johnson, on left, is owner/handler of Northwoods Atlas, and Energy’s sire.

Big Big Energy (sired by RU-CH Northwoods Atlas) is owned and handled by Jordan Pharris. Call name “Lotto” won the Minnesota/Wisconsin Cover Dog Open Derby of the Year. Amazing fact #1: Lotto is the first puppy-age dog to win the Derby of the Year Award in its 34-year history. Amazing fact #2: This is the first time in the Shooting Dog/Derby of the Year that a father/son won.

Over The Hill Morgan (sired by JTH Cooper (CH Rock Acre Blackhawk x Northwoods Vixen, 2015)), is owned and handled by Rod Lein. She won 3rd place in the Chippewa Valley Grouse Dog Assoc. Open Shooting Dog.

Kona’s Blue Sky (sired by CH Northwoods Sir Gordon) is owned and handled by A. J. Kalupa. Sky placed 3rd in the Moose River Grouse Dog Club Open Shooting Dog.

Note: Scroll down to a post written by Betsy, dated May 1, 2024, for an in-depth piece on the Dog of the Year awards.


Our winter training on a bobwhite quail plantation

Ten-month-old Cupid shows beautiful, high-headed style when she accurately points a covey on a chopper trail at the edge of a block.

After spending two brutal winters in Minnesota, Betsy and I decided to go back to the bobwhite quail plantations of the Red Hills region of the Southeast. We missed not only the mild weather but the training opportunities on wild birds and the friendships we had formed at several of the plantations.

So in mid-November, we made lists and packed up everything we’d need for five months. Besides 16 dogs of various ages (12 years to seven months) and two crates of pigeons, the lists included training equipment, office files and supplies, books, clothes and boots. Some 1,500 miles later, we landed at our home for the winter, Meander Plantation in Monticello, Fla.


When it comes to finding and pointing birds on the wild bobwhite plantations of southwestern Georgia/northern Florida, it’s not about the dog’s range but rather how thoroughly it hunts the ground. This is in stark contrast to most suppositions about big running quail dogs.

Backing—or honoring another dog on point—can be confusing. It sure looks like Sweep (in front on the chopper trail) was first to the birds with the others backing. But Sweep pointed where the birds had been while Cupid (in center) had the birds accurately pointed. Either way, Queen had a nice back.

The key is the maintenance of these many-thousand-acre plantations. They are meticulously groomed in a checkerboard pattern with six-foot-wide mowed strips separating 24’ x 24’ blocks of quail cover. These blocks hold quail, often at mind-boggling densities of eight coveys per hour.

But when the conditions are tough or the birds aren’t moving, the coveys can be extremely difficult for a dog to find; and this is precisely when experienced grouse dogs shine. These dogs hunt every step and exhibit a naturally forward, quartering pattern. They hunt the blocks of cover at the ideal range of about 100 yards on either side of the hunting course.

All are ready and waiting for Jerry at the breakaway: Lyon, on left, Stardust and Strut, Jerry’s horse.

The winter was ideal for working dogs—and not only because the temperatures were the coolest we’d experienced in 10 years. Our puppies learned how to find and point bobwhites early in the season when the birds were more plentiful and less spooky. They had gained proficiency by January and February when the birds started to run or flush wild.

With both our own and client-owned seasoned dogs, we had one of our strongest hunting/guiding strings. No matter which plantation we hunted, our dogs regularly pointed as many birds as the plantation dogs and frequently out-birded the best of their kennel.

At eight years of age, Hercules has found and pointed many wild birds—both in quail country and in his home state of Montana. His polish, stance and confidence are stunning.

Our string, in mostly alphabetical order, included the following dogs.
Charlotte Bronte (Northwoods Louis Vuitton x Houston’s Dancing Queen, 2022)
Comet (HOF CH Rock Acre Blackhawk x Northwoods Vixen, 2018)
Confidante (HOF CH True Confidence x Red Sunshine)
Della (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2018)
Dixie (CH Shadow Oak Bo x Northwoods Carbon, 2016)
Dublin (CH Erin’s Hidden Shamrock x Northwoods Nickel, 2018)
Four Roses (CH Rufus Del Fuego x Northwoods Valencia, 2021)
Hercules, Madrid and Stardust (RU-CH Erin’s Prometheus x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2016, 2018, 2019)
Lyon (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Minerva, 2018)
Penny (CH Elhew G Force x Northwoods Vixen 2013)
Rolls Royce (Blue Shaquille x Houston’s Belle’s Choice, 2013)

It’s not only fun to gang run puppies, but it’s a good training tool as they learn from each other. From left: Queen, Molly and Cupid.

For part of the season, three owners sent their puppies from last year’s breeding of 2X RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Houston’s Nelly Bly. Layla, Molly and Tinkerbell joined Queen, the female we kept, and those four had a ball together. They were fun to train, fun to run and gratifying to watch mature.

With countless bird contacts, young Eddie matured from a puppy into an outstanding derby over the winter.

Also joining us for training sessions were several very nice young dogs.
Eddie (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Northwoods Valencia, 2023)
Enni (CH Snyder’s Pioneer Scout x Northwoods Cedar, 2022)
Flirt and Hope (HOF CH True Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2021)

Rounding out our southern kennel were several puppies that Betsy and I own.
Boots (2X RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Northwoods Stardust, 2023)
Bunny (CH Ponderosa Mac x Northwoods Redbreast, 2022)
Cupid and Rudy (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2023)
Sweep (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Northwoods Valencia, 2023)

Birds other than bobwhites are prevalent in the region and exciting to see. We regularly had eight pairs of cardinals at our feeder.


Littermates Queen, Molly and Tinkerbell (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Houston’s Nelly Bly)

Northwoods Fallset Hope (HOF CH True Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2021)

Northwoods Snow Swept (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Northwoods Valencia, 2023) 

Northwoods Confidante (HOF CH True Confidence x Red Sunshine, 2022)

When to steady a bird dog

Eleven-month-old Northwoods Snow Swept (CH Northwoods Sir Gordon x Northwoods Valencia, 2023) is ready for steadiness training because she stays on point until Jerry flushes.

Steadiness in a bird dog means the dog stays where it points until either a shot is fired, or, after the shot is fired and the dog is released by the handler. The former is called steady to wing and the latter is steady to shot.

Since either type of steadiness isn’t a natural behavior, dogs need to be trained to be steady. Done well, steadiness training is the epitome of bird dog polish. Done poorly, it can create problems around game ranging from over-cautiousness to blinking birds.

But before all that, you need to know when to start steadiness training.

Steadiness training, started too soon, gets in the dog’s head and distracts it from focusing on how to properly point birds. Started too late, the dog can develop habits that make training difficult. The best time to steady a dog is when it will point and stay on point until you flush the bird. However, there are nuances involved and it’s crucial to understand the dog’s genetics and experience.

The important genetic component is the pointing instinct. That instinct varies on a continuum from wanting to point everything to not wanting to point at all.

These dogs are cautious by nature
and are prone to pointing where the birds were
and not where they actually are.

Young dogs with lots of instinct will point the first bird scent they encounter and let the handler flush. But those points are motivated by instinct alone. The dogs have no idea what they’re doing, are unsure of what to do next and so they stay on point.

These dogs are cautious by nature and are prone to pointing where the birds were and not where they actually are. They need to learn to use their their intellect and experience to determine when to point. They have to develop boldness to jump in and see if the bird is really there. To encourage the dogs to figure that out, don’t flush in front of them. Instead, wait until they either move on or move in. You should only begin to flush in front of the dogs when you’re pretty sure the dogs have a bird pointed.

These dogs are usually bold towards birds
and have no qualms about rushing in towards scent
and flushing the bird.

For young dogs that have little pointing instinct, the development is different. These dogs are usually bold towards birds and have no qualms about rushing in towards scent and flushing the bird. They need to be exposed to birds until they learn they can’t catch them. They’ll use their intellect and experience to eventually slow down, stalk and point which then allows you to flush the bird.

Once either type of dog points only when birds are present and allows you to flush the birds, steadiness training can begin. However, there is an additional behavior to look for—reduced desire to chase the bird. After finding and pointing enough birds, most young dogs begin to show more interest in the scent of birds rather than the sight of them and so chase less.

The pointing instinct of most young dogs lies somewhere between these two extremes. Determine where your dog is before you begin steadiness training. For all dogs, it will take not only ample bird exposure but also time for them to mature. Most young dogs will be well into their second season before they’re ready for steadiness training.

Enjoy the process!

The Natural Way: Steadiness

Mama, an 18-month-old female setter, shows excellent style and composure due to training the Natural Way.

No old-fashioned equipment such as boards, barrels, posts or rope slings. Also, no yard training. Other key elements include no dominance, no talking and no pressure on the dog as indicated by licking, swallowing or looking away.

These are all parts of our Natural Way to teach steadiness.

In the field, I plant pigeons and use low-level, linear ecollar stimulation on the flank and as a motivator. For bird dogs, that motivation is birds.

Combining dog psychology, birds and ecollar stimulation, the dog is taught a behavior without knowing it’s being trained and, therefore, no pressure.

The Natural Way works for the toughest and softest dogs; there are no failures.

In July, I trained Mama the Natural Way. Mama is an 18-month-old female setter owned by Josh Matel of Minnesota. Mama is a sensitive young dog with lots of desire but when trained with our method, her composure and confidence on birds is outstanding.

*** The Natural Way is a term Betsy and I dreamed up to describe the method of training I developed over decades in the field. We introduced the concept in a March 2, 2023, blog post, “A Different Approach to Steady Your Dog.” On July 26, 2023, we followed with The Natural Way: Puppy Development. This post includes videos of marker training, first bird encounters and letting puppies learn on their own how to cross a creek.

The Natural Way: Puppy Development

Plenty of physical exercise is crucial to happy, well-developed puppies. They play hard until they tire; then they rest.

Betsy and I believe the first six months of a puppy’s life is crucial to its development. We put tremendous effort into preparing the puppy for situations it will encounter as it matures.

Everyday examples include exposure to different people, exposure to dogs of different ages, introduction to water and getting comfortable going into a crate and loading into a dog box. In early training exercises, exposure to birds, marker training, leash training and spending time on a stakeout chain are all extremely valuable.

Time on a stakeout chain teaches puppies to be comfortable with restraint. In addition, they learn to give to the chain when another puppy moves around.

A simple and often overlooked key to a happy, balanced puppy is plenty of physical exercise. Our puppies spend mornings in the exercise pens and go for walks of suitable length in various places.

Essential to how we develop puppies is that we rarely force the puppy to do a desired behavior. Instead, we set up the puppy to succeed by making the right choice easy and the wrong choice difficult. We then reward it with a treat when it chooses the desired behavior. We say very litte to the puppy, using verbal cues only when it has learned the behavior. This teaches the puppy to think.

Life experiences, though, are not all positive. Often, puppies learn more from choosing the wrong behavior and suffering the consequence. For us, jumping up on people and excessive barking are two undesirable behaviors that are met with soft “bonks” from a “bonker,” a rolled-up and taped hand towel.

Most behaviors are taught during the normal course of the day. When specific training is required, we keep the sessions very short, usually five minutes or less.

Below are five videos of puppies during our development process this summer. Enjoy!

Tink, Molly and Queen (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Houston’s Nelly Bly) are introduced to navigating a stream crossing.

How easy is this? With their bowl of dog food as enticement, littermates Rudolph and Cupid (CH Southern Confidence x Northwoods Comet) can’t wait to load into a truck box.

Fifteen-week-old sisters Tink, Molly and Queen (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Houston’s Nelly Bly) learn to use their noses and read littermate’s body language around birds.

Molly learns to choose behaviors that will earn a treat.

Boots (RU-CH Northwoods Atlas x Northwoods Stardust) learns an invaluable lesson. During the first few bird contacts, young puppies often stay on point because they are not bold enough to jump in on the bird. We never flush the birds on these early contacts; instead we allow the puppy time to jump in and flush the bird itself. The puppy becomes bold and confirms that it had the bird well located.

Big winnings at big field trials by Northwoods dogs

CH Erin’s Three Leaf Shamrock (CH Erin’s Hidden Shamrock x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2015), on right, was handled by Tracy Swearington for owner Tucker Johnson in the Masters Open Shooting Dog Championship.

At Northwoods Bird Dogs, Betsy and I strive to breed dogs that possess the talent and ability to win field trials. But winning field trials isn’t the goal—it’s a consequence. It’s a consequence of breeding our own and knowing outside exceptional dogs, of passion, of uncompromising high standards. It’s a consequence of decades of selecting dogs that are intelligent, physically capable and easy to train. It’s a consequence of hunting every generation on wild birds and it’s a consequence of devoted clients who give our dogs the opportunity to reach their genetic potential.

As a consequence, several of our dogs placed in prestigious field trial competition around the country over the past several months.

Greg Johnson, on left, with his runner-up champion setter male Northwoods Atlas (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2017).

Northwoods Atlas (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2017), owned and handled by Greg Johnson, won Runner-Up Champion in the 52-dog Wisconsin Cover Dog Championship. This win, combined with other placements earned during 2022, qualified Atlas to compete in the Grand National Grouse and Woodcock Invitational Championship. In that event, the previous year’s two winners and 12 top point-earners in 2022 cover dog trials compete for three days to determine a winner. The trial was held in early April near Phillipsburg, Pa.

Cody’s Sadie Belle (CH Ridge Creek Cody x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2013), on right, with her owner Ryan Bjerke.

Cody’s Sadie Belle (CH Ridge Creek Cody x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2013) won Runner-Up Champion in the National Amateur Grouse Championship held last October near Moose Junction, Wis. Owner/handler Ryan Bjerke has done a marvelous job with Sadie—his first bird dog.

CH Erin’s Three Leaf Shamrock (CH Erin’s Hidden Shamrock x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2015), handled by Tracy Swearington for owner Tucker Johnson, is having a stellar year. In November, at Burnt Branch Plantation near Ochlocknee Ga., Three Leaf won the 40-dog Blackbelt Open All Age. This setter was also named Runner-Up Champion in the recently completed Masters Open Shooting Dog Championship.

CH Erin’s Three Leaf Shamrock photo by Chris Mathan.

The Masters, held on three prestigious wild-quail plantations near Albany Ga., drew a whopping 69 dogs vying for the title. Only six of those competitors were English setters and three of them were either sons, grandsons or great-grandsons of Northwoods Chardonnay (Blue Shaquille x Houston’s Belle’s Choice, 2009). Four of the six were grandsons of CH Ridge Creek Cody (CH Can’t Go Wrong x CH Houston’s Belle, 2008).

Northwoods Sir Gordon (Erin’s Prometheus x Northwoods Carly Simon, 2016) placed second in the Minnesota Grouse Dog Championship last October. Owner Ben McKean handled Gordy to his two-grouse-find performance.

Nick Allen, on right, with Northwoods Cosmic Ray (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2019).

Northwoods Cosmic Ray (Northwoods Grits x Northwoods Nickel, 2019), owned and handled by Nick Allen, placed second in the Big Sky Field Trial Club Amateur Shooting Dog stake, a U.S. Complete Association Trial held near Barber, Mont. This placement was especially gratifying as it was Nick’s and Ray’s first field trial.

Dave Moore, on left, and his derby-winning pointer, True Ending (CH True Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2021).

True Ending (CH True Confidence x Northwoods Comet, 2021), pointer male, owned by Dave and Rochel Moore and handled by Dave, won first place in the Region 19 Open Shooting Dog Derby and third place in the Open All Age Derby. The Region 19 trial was held last October at the Namekagon Barrens near Danbury, Wis. All the dogs were handled from horseback.

Another consequence? Our genetics pass on to the next generation. Here are winners produced by sires and dams we bred.

In Canada
Runner-Up Champion in the North American Woodcock Championship in McAdams, New Brunswick, last fall was Wynot Pete, a pointer male handled and owned by Steve Forrest. Pete’s dam is Northwoods Maddie (CH Rock Acre Blackhawk x Northwoods Vixen, 2015).

On the East Coast
Runner-Up Champion in the Northeastern Open Championship held in East Windsor, Conn., was setter male Erin’s Big Casino, owned by Paul Berdiner and handled by Mike Tracy. Casino has several of our dogs in his pedigree; he is sired by CH Erin’s Hidden Shamrock whose sire, CH Ridge Creek Cody (CH Can’t Go Wrong x CH Houston’s Belle, 2008), was whelped and started at our kennel. In addition, Casino’s dam, Three Stripe’s Livewire, was sired by RU-CH Northwoods Nirvana (CH Houston’s Blackjack x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2011).

In the Heartland
Last fall, two pointers owned and handled by Rod Lein of Chippewa Falls, Wis., and sired by JTH Cooper (CH Rock Acre Blackhawk x Northwoods Vixen, 2015) placed in derby stakes. Over The Hill Morgan placed first in the 24-dog Wisconsin Cover Dog Championship Open Derby while littermate Over The Hill Try placed second. Try also placed second in the 18-dog Open Derby held in conjunction with the North Country Championship trial.

Out West
Near the town of Payette, Idaho, on the Oregon/Idaho border, setter male, Charlie’s Zip Tie, owned and handled by Bill Owen and sired by CH Northwoods Charles (CH Ridge Creek Cody x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2013), won the Northwest Chukar Open Shooting Dog Championship. In the Larry Brech Memorial Open Derby held during the Chukar Championships, third place winner, Mauck’s Wyest Molly, setter female owned and handled by Alex Mauck, is out of High Prairie Gypsy (CH Erin’s Hidden Shamrock x Northwoods Chardonnay, 2016).

Congratulations and continued success to all these owners, handlers and trainers!

Northwoods Birds Dogs    53370 Duxbury Road, Sandstone, Minnesota 55072
Jerry: 651-492-7312     |      Betsy: 651-769-3159     |           |      Directions
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